L3 Warnings
The following table lists the L3 warnings with detailed error messages, the circumstances in which these errors can occur, and how to resolve the problem.
Internal Parameter Name | Error Code | Warning Message | Detailed Warning Message | Why the Warning Can Appear | How to Resolve the Problem |
CLEANSE_FUNCTION_INVALID_NAMING_INPUT | 731 | Cleanse function cleanseFunctionName has invalid input naming cleanse attribute. | Cleanse function
cleanseFunctionName has incorrect input naming. Some attributes are nested and others are not. | Some attributes inside the cleanse input/output mapping are nested but some are not. | Use the correct attributes URI. |
CLEANSE_FUNCTION_INVALID_NAMING_OUTPUT | 732 | Cleanse function cleanseFunctionName has invalid output naming cleanse attribute. | Cleanse function
cleanseFunctionName has incorrect output naming. Some attributes are nested and others are not. | Some attributes inside the cleanse input/output mapping are nested but some are not. | Use the correct attributes URI. |
MISSING_OUTPUT_PARAMETER | 733 | Cleanse function cleanseFunctionName has missing output cleanse attributes. | Cleanse function
cleanseFunctionName has an option ''process = process '' . But no output configured for: process specific fields | For example, process g is configured, but process specific fields Longitude and Latitude are not mapped in the output mapping. | Configure the process specific fields in the cleanse output mapping. |
CLEANSE_VALIDATION_MISSING_ALL_OUTPUT_PARAMETERS | 734 | Cleanse function cleanseFunctionName has missing output cleanse attributes. | Cleanse function
cleanseFunctionName has an option ''process = process '' but no output configured for any of: process specific fields . | For example, process e is configured, but none of the 'enhance' process specific fields are configured in the output mapping. | Configure at least one of the process specific fields in the cleanse output mapping. |
MAX_ATTRIBUTES_PER_ENTITY_LIMIT_EXCEEDED | 1800 | Number of defined attributes for an entity type {0}
must not exceed {1} | The number of defined attributes for an entity type
{0} must not exceed {1} , Please
reduce the number attributes | Specifies the number of attributes defined for an entity. To disable this validation rule, update the tenant configuration to set a higher value. | Review the existing data or increase the restriction limit by
changing the dataModelerConstraints/maxAttributesCount
property in the tenant physical configuration. For more information, see
Validation Constraints for a Tenant. |
NO_SURROGATE_KEY_DEFINED | 1801 | No surrogate crosswalk defined for entity
{0} | No surrogate crosswalk defined for entity {0} ,
Please define surrogate crosswalk | This property is used to ensure that all the entities, which are used
as reference attributes, have a surrogate crosswalk. To disable this
validation rule, update the tenant configuration to set the value to
false . | Change the rules for surrogate crosswalks or disable this validation
rule by updating the
property to false in the tenant physical configuration.
For more information, see Validation Constraints for a Tenant. |
MAX_NESTED_SUB_ATTRIBUTE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED | 1805 | Number of attributes for a nested attribute {0} must
not exceed {1} | Number of attributes for a nested attribute {0} must
not exceed {1} , but the current value is
{2} . Please reduce the number of nested sub
attributes | The tenant physical configuration has a restriction on the maximum number of nested sub-attributes. The current number for some nested attribute exceeds this number. | Either remove some nested attributes to ensure that the number is
within the restricted limit, or increase the restriction limit by
changing the
property in the tenant physical configuration, or remove the
restriction. For more information, see Validation Constraints for a Tenant. |
MAX_RELATIONSHIP_TYPES_BETWEEN_TWO_ENTITIES | 1806 | Number of relationships between any two entity types
{0} and {1} must not exceed
{2} , current {3} | Number of relationships between any two entity types
{0} and {1} must not exceed
{2} ,currently we have {3}
relations defined. Please reduce the number of relationship types
between reported entities | The tenant physical configuration has a restriction on the maximum number of relations between two entity types. The current number for some pair exceeds this number. | Either remove some relations to ensure that the number is within the
restricted limit, increase the restriction limit by changing the
property in the tenant physical configuration, or remove the
restriction. For more information, see Validation Constraints for a Tenant. |
MAX_NESTED_ATTRIBUTE_DEPTH_LIMIT_EXCEEDED | 1807 | Nested attributes depth limit ({1} ) exceeded for
attribute {0} | Nesting depth level for attribute {0} must not
exceed {1} , current depth {2} . Please
reduce nesting level for attribute | Perform the following steps to resolve the warning:
| |
FALLBACK_STRATEGIES_CHAIN_IS_USED | 1808 | Fallback strategies chain is used in survivorship mapping for
{0} | fallbackStrategiesChain field, that is mentioned in
survivorship mapping for {0} , is deprecated for usage.
Please replace it with fallbackStrategies
configuration | One of the survivorship mappings contains the
fallbackStrategiesChain field, which is deprecated
now. | Replace the fallbackStrategiesChain field with the
fallbackStrategies field. |
SRC_SYS_WITHOUT_PRIORITIES | 1809 | Survivorship mapping for {0} with
SRC_SYS strategy doesn't have source priorities
list | Survivorship mapping for {0} with
SRC_SYS strategy doesn't have source priorities
list, please specify it for the mapping itself or for the whole
survivorship group | One of the survivorship mappings uses SRC_SYS , but
there is no source priority list for it. This configuration is allowed
because the source priorities are taken from the source
definition section of the configuration. However, the recommended
practice is to specify the source priority lists directly in the OV
rules. | Add the sourcesUriOrder parameter to the mapping or
to its parent survivorship group. |
SURVIVORSHIP_GROUP_WITHOUT_ROLES | 1810 | Not-default survivorship group {0} doesn't have any
roles | Survivorship group {0} must have roles because it's
not default, otherwise it will never be used | One group from the list of not-default survivorship groups does not
have the roles field. The survivorship groups that are
not marked as default can only be used if a user has some specific role
specified in the roles field of the group; else they
are not used. Such groups can temporarily exist during configuration
switching to ensure that they are still considered as valid, but Reltio
recommends to fix the warning. | Add some roles to the not-default survivorship group configuration, make the group default, or remove the group. |
ATTRIBUTE_NAME_DOESNT_MATCH_URI | 1811 | Attribute name {0} doesn't match with attribute uri
{1} | Attribute name {0} doesn't match with attribute uri
{1} | There is a discrepancy between the attribute name and the URI fields. | Correct the attribute name or the last part of the attribute URI to make them equal. |
GRAPH_TYPE_CONFIGURED_WITH_NONEXISTING_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE | 1972 | Group type {0} is configured with a non-existing
relationship type {1} . | Group type {0} is configured with a non-existing
relationship type {1} . Please remove the relationship
type from the graph type declaration. | ||
METADATA_ATTRIBUTE_CASE_INSENSITIVE_DUPLICATE_NAME | 1973 | Attribute attribute has case insensitive
duplicates | Attribute name attribute is case insensitive and not
unique. Remove duplicates or rename them to: attribute
URI1 , attribute URI2 , etc. | The configuration contains at least two attributes in the same folder
with names which differs only in words registry. For example:
Attribute name | Rename duplicate attributes to make them case insensitive and unique, if the attribute relates to different data. Delete attributes which were created as a result of misconfiguration. |