Unify and manage your data

Master data

Learn about master data

Understanding the concept of Master Data will help you understand Reltio Data Cloud solutions for unifying and managing your data.
Master data
Master data, sometimes referred to as the source or truth or a golden record, is the trusted data that provides context for business operations. Business data is typically grouped by domains (customers, prospects, citizens, suppliers, sites, hierarchies, locations, products, assets) and defined by data models (the consistent and uniform set of identifiers and attributes that describe them). At Reltio, we call these sets of business domain data profiles and provide data models appropriate to their typical entities and attributes..
Data management
Data management refers to the set of practices, techniques, and tools for managing storage of and access to enterprise data assets while ensuring security and governance.
Master data management
MDM is a technology-enabled discipline in which business and IT work together to ensure the uniformity, accuracy, stewardship, consistency, and accountability of the enterprise's official shared master data assets.
Multidomain master data management
Multidomain MDM manages master dat from multiple domains within a single software platform.
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