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Set Tenant Translation Table

REST API to set Tenant Translation Table

The operation sets the Tenant Translation Table. This table is used for a specified tenant. Tenant level i18n resources have higher priority than the Global level resources.
Important: The POST {TenantURL}/resources/i18n internationalization API supports localization of label patterns, direction labels, error messages, and, customer-defined lookups. The labels, abbreviations, captions, and descriptions can be localized by modifying the UI configuration. Contact Reltio Customer Support to update the UI configuration.
Note: You must have either the ROLE_ADMIN or the ROLE_ADMIN_TENANT role to use this API.


POST {TenantURL}/resources/i18n
Table 1. Parameters
Parameter Required Description
Headers Content-Type Yes Should be "Content-Type: application/json".
Language Yes Language of the table. Format: xx-YY (e.g. ru-RU).
Body Yes JSON object with Translation Table.



If the Tenant Translation Table is persisted successfully, then the response will contain the JSON of the saved Tenant Translation Table.

POST /reltio/tenantID/resources/i18n
Language: ru-RU
	"Doctor {FirstName} {LastName} from {Address}": "Доктор медицины {FirstName} {LastName} из {Address}",
	"has address": "имеет адрес"


	"Doctor {FirstName} {LastName} from {Address}": "Доктор медицины {FirstName} {LastName} из {Address}",
	"has address": "имеет адрес"


If you want to indicate an i18n error with the number 4003, which signifies that the entity has dependent lookup validation issues, then make a POST request similar to this example.

POST /reltio/tenantID/resources/i18n
Language: fr
    "error.4003" : "La recherche {0} ne correspond à aucune recherche par parenté spécifiée dans cette entité"