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Update Groups

The Update Groups API request updates the group with the JSON object send in the request body.

Table 1. Update User Group Details
Request Type PUT
URL {oauth_uri}/customers/{customerId}/groups/{groupId}

customerId: Valid Customer ID.

groupId: Unique ID of the specific group.

Access -


Returns the group json object after it is successfully stored in the system.

Updating User Details


PUT {oauth_uri}/customers/TestCustomer/groups/Product_Management Headers: Authorization: Bearer <Access-Token> Request Body: { "groupId": "Product_Management", "groupName": "Product_Management", "description": "A Group for Product Management", "roles": { "L3_Configurator": [ "jas88zr17" ], "Read_Access": [ "jas88zr17" ], "Customer_Admin": [ "jas88zr17" ], "Tenant_Admin": [ "jas88zr17" ], "ROLE_ADMIN_TENANT": [ "jas88zr17" ] } }


{ "groupId": "Product_Management", "groupName": "Product_Management", "description": "A Group for Product Management", "roles": { "L3_Configurator": [ "jas88zr17" ], "Read_Access": [ "jas88zr17" ], "Customer_Admin": [ "jas88zr17" ], "Tenant_Admin": [ "jas88zr17" ], "ROLE_ADMIN_TENANT": [ "jas88zr17" ] } }
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