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Interactions Search

Learn about searching interactions.

Important: This functionality is only available in tenants provisioned for Customer 360 Data Products.

This operation allows you to search interactions in the tenant data.


You can use one of the following endpoints to search for interactions:

  • GET {TenantURL}/interactions
  • GET {TenantURL}/interactions/_search
  • POST {TenantURL}/interactions/_search
  • You can search Interactions Records up to a maximum number of 10,000 items.
  • Reltio recommends that you use the POST method and pass the parameters through the request body.

For more information, see Interactions Search.

Table 1. Request Parameters
Headers AuthorizationYesThis parameter provides information about the authentication access token using the format, "Bearer <accessToken>". For more information see Authentication API.
Query filterNoThis parameter enables interactions filtering by a condition. The format for filter query parameter is, filter=({Condition Type}[AND/OR {Condition Type}]*). For more information, see Filtering.
selectNoThis is a comma-separated list of properties from interaction structure that must be returned in a response. Allows you to return a partial interaction object. Additional system properties are as follows:
  • attributes._lookupCodes - returns codes for lookup attributes
  • attributes._lookupValues - return values for lookup attributes
For example, select=URI,label,attributes._lookupCodes,attributes._lookupValues.
maxNoThis parameter represents a positive integer value to identify the maximum number of interactions to return in a response. Can be used to organize pagination in combination with the offset parameter. The default value is 50.
offsetNoThis parameter represents a positive integer value to identify what element in a result set must be returned in a response. Can be used to organize pagination in combination with the max parameter. The default value is 0.
Note: The updated maximum value and offset parameters, when combined, must not exceed the value of 10,000. Some examples of valid combinations are:
  • offset=9900 and max=100
  • offset=9800 and max=200
sortNoThe Sort parameter is used with the Order parameter. Sort parameter points to the attribute or a list of attributes where ordering must be applied. If you order the result set as ascending or descending (reversed), you must use the Sort parameter to list the attributes that must be used for ordering.
Important: The sorting will not be used if this parameter is not provided or the value is not recognized. Sorting is available on multiple parameters combining the parameters using & sign. The & symbol is encoded as %26 in the request.

Sorting priority of the parameters depends upon the order you have added the parameters in the request while using multiple sorting.

For example, sort=attributes.FirstNamesort=attributes.FirstName&attributes.LastName .

At first the resultset is sorted alphabetically by attributes.FirstName.

Then the sorted result set will be sorted again by sort=attributes.LastName.

orderNoThis parameter indicates the order of sorting and is used only in combination with the sort parameter. The possible values are as follows:
  • asc - Indicates that the results are shown in ascending order.
  • desc - Indicates that the results are shown in descending order.
The default sorting order is asc. For example, order=desc.
optionsNoThis is a comma-separated list. sendHidden is disabled by default. The interaction's JSON contains hidden attributes if this option is enabled. For example, options=sendHidden.
defaultMaxValuesNoThis parameter specifies the maximum number of values listed in the attributes. This restriction is intended for UI convenience in the case of very long lists of values in some attributes. For example, defaultMaxValues=10.
Body (Only for the POST method)NoIndicates the JSON body that can have all the same fields as supported in the query parameters.
Note: The query parameters have priority and override the body parameters.
 "filter": "equals(members,7fpyJI3)",
 "select": "uri",
 "max": 10,
 "offset": 120,
 "sort": "attributes.FirstName",
 "order": "desc",
 "options": "sendHidden",
 "defaultMaxValues": 10


JSON array of interaction objects from the tenant (that match the filter request) in the format and order that is defined by the query parameters.

Request Example

GET {TenantURL}/interactions?filter=(equals(type,'configuration/interactionTypes/Order'))&max=2
Headers: Authorization: Bearer 204938ca-2cf7-44b0-b11a-1b4c59984512

Response Example

[ { "URI": "interactions/20",      ... },
{ "URI": "interactions/142",        ... } ]

Search by Members

You can search for members in the following ways:

  • Search by members' IDs through all member types using equals(members,7fpyJI3).
  • Search by members' IDs with the specified member type using equals(members.Individual.id,7fpyJI3).
  • Search by members' types using equals(members.types,'Organization').