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Delete List of Interactions by URIs

Learn how to use the Delete Interactions API.

Important: This functionality is only available in tenants provisioned for Customer 360 Data Products.

The Delete Interactions API deletes the interactions by Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) as specified in the body of the request.

The maximum number of URI in one batch is 150.


POST {TenantId}/interactions/_deleteByUris

For more information, see Delete list of interactions by URIs.

Table 1. Parameters to Delete Specified Interactions List by URIs
Parameter TypeParameter NameRequiredDetails
HeadersAuthorizationYesProvides information about authentication access token in Bearer <accessToken> format. For more information, see Authentication API.
QuerymodeNoUse this parameter to specify a type of delete operations. It can be set to hard or soft.

The default value is soft.

Body-YesThis parameter is a JSON array of interaction URIs. The maximum number of interaction URI is 150.


A JSON object that represents the result of operation.

Table 2. Operation Result
statusPossible values:
  • success
  • error

If the status displays an error, it includes the error messages for the delete operation, that has failed.

JSON Array of Strings

The following examples explain the JSON object representing the operation result.


Example: Success

{ "status": "success" }

Example: Error

{ "status": "error", "details": [ "Code: INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; Unable to read the object: [interactions/Reltio+888458313626]" ] }

Request Example

POST {TenantURL}/interactions/_deleteByUris Headers: Authorization: Bearer 204938ca-2cf7-44b0-b11a-1b4c59984512 [ "interactions/Reltio+888458313626", "interactions/Reltio+896502267803", "interactions/Reltio+896502759323" ]

Response Example

{ "status": "success" }
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