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Interactions API

Important: This functionality is only available in tenants provisioned for Customer 360 Data Products.

Interaction is a kind of action that occurs as two or more entities have an effect upon one another. For example, one entity can send email to one or several entities. You can define different types of interactions and their taxonomies in the Business Model.

Interactions have the following properties:

  • type
  • members
  • attributes
  • timestamp
Note: Take a look at the following information:
  • All requests made to the Interactions API must be signed with an access token. For more information, see details in Authentication API.
  • interactionTypes can inherit one another. For example Lunch extends Meeting.
Table 1. Create Interactions Object Structure
Property name Description Type Example
URI Indicates the path that is used to reach an interaction object. Format is: interactions/{interaction_id} String, URI interactions/i2
type Indicates the interaction kind. This is the reference to the interaction type configuration by its URI. String, Interaction Types URI configuration/interactionTypes/Lunch
members Defines memberTypes (roles like "Chefs") with concrete entities that play these roles in this interaction. JSONObject
attributes Indicates the attributes that interaction object has. This includes simple and nested attributes. Each attribute has reference to its configuration type. Attributes are grouped by attribute configuration. Array of attributes { "Place": [ { "URI": "interactions/12/attributes/Place/1", "value" : "San Mateo, McDonalds restaurant" } ], "Notes": [ { "URI": "interactions/12/attributes/Notes/2", "value" : "All participants eat BigMacs" } ] }
crosswalksIndicates the crosswalks to source systems and data in the source systems that are associated with an object. Array of crosswalks [ { "URI":"interactions/12/crosswalks/1", "type":"configuration/sources/XYZ", "attributes":[ "interactions/12/attributes/Place/1", "interactions/12/attributes/Notes/2" ] } ]
timestamp Indicates the timestamp when interaction occurred. String 06/02/2012

Object Example

{ "URI":"interactions/01BThVh", "type":"configuration/interactionTypes/Lunch", "createdBy":"User", "createdTime":1354626947723, "updatedTime":1354626947723, "timestamp":1338580800000, "attributes":{ "Place":[ { "type":"configuration/interactionTypes/Meeting/attributes/Place", "value":"Shire, Bag End in Hobbiton", "URI":"interactions/01BThVh/attributes/Place/6" } ], "Notes":[ { "type":"configuration/interactionTypes/Meeting/attributes/Notes", "value":"All participants eat Lembas", "URI":"interactions/01BThVh/attributes/Notes/7" } ] }, "crosswalks":[ { "URI":"interactions/01BThVh/crosswalks/8", "type":"configuration/sources/MDM", "value":"", "attributes":[ "interactions/01BThVh/attributes/Notes/7", "interactions/01BThVh/attributes/Place/6" ] } ], "members":{ "Organizers":{ "URI":"interactions/01BThVh/members/Organizers", "type":"configuration/interactionTypes/Meeting/memberTypes/Organizers", "members":[ { "objectURI":"entities/30000", "type":"configuration/entityTypes/Individual", "label":"John Smith" } ] }, "Chefs":{ "URI":"interactions/01BThVh/members/Chefs", "type":"configuration/interactionTypes/Lunch/memberTypes/Chefs", "members":[ { "objectURI":"entities/40000", "type":"configuration/entityTypes/Individual", "label":"Ann Roman" } ] }, "Participants":{ "URI":"interactions/01BThVh/members/Participants", "type":"configuration/interactionTypes/Meeting/memberTypes/Participants", "members":[ { "objectURI":"entities/10000", "type":"configuration/entityTypes/Individual", "label":"San Dunn" }, { "objectURI":"entities/10001", "type":"configuration/entityTypes/Individual", "label":"Josh May" }, { "objectURI":"entities/10003", "type":"configuration/entityTypes/Individual", "label":"Marc Jack" } ] } } }
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