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Unmerge All Contributors From Entity

Information about how to unmerge all contributors from an entity.

If an entity is a composite (result of merge), every component (contributor) can be unmerged to be a standalone entity again. The composite entity origin and unmerging of one is known as a spawn. The result of this request is the list of spawns representing corresponding contributors which were unmerged from the origin.

Note: The processing of requests to this endpoint does not include some LCA actions (see details in LCA Hooks). Here are the LCA actions that are not supported:
  • beforeUnmerge
  • beforeNotAMatchSet
  • afterNotAMatchSet
  • afterUnmerge


POST {TenantURL}/<origin id>/_unmergeAllContributors
Table 1. Parameters
Parameter Required Details
Headers Authorization Yes Information about authentication access token in format "Bearer <accessToken>" (for more information see Authentication API ).


POST <TenantURL>/entities/01QoskL/_unmergeAllContributors


Returns the list of entity URIs which are spawns and the changed origin.

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