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Register Actions

Use this API to register Life Cycle Actions for a specified tenant.


POST {lifecycleServiceURL}/api/{tenantId}/actions
Table 1. Parameters
Parameter Name Required Details
Headers Authorization Yes Information about authentication access token in format "Bearer <accessToken>" (see details in Authentication API)
Content-Type Yes Should be "Content-Type: application/json".
Body name Yes
  • Denotes the action name that is used when executing the action
  • Should be unique within the tenant
  • These characters are not allowed - ;/?:@=&"<>#%{}|\^~[]`$+!*() and blank/empty space
type Yes Denotes the fully qualified action class
module Yes Denotes the path to the JAR file containing the action class in S3 storage
state Yes
  • Denotes the state of action
  • Possible values: active, inactive, and invalid
description Optional Denotes the description of the action


The response consists of an array with objects representing the registered actions.


POST { lifecycleServiceURL } /api/ { tenantId } /actions Headers: Authorization: Bearer 204938 ca-2 cf7-44 b0-b11a-1 b4c59984512, Content-Type: application / jsonBody: [{ "name": "SimpleLifeCycleAction", "type": "com.reltio.lifecycle.actions.qa.SimpleLifeCycleAction", "module": "life-cycle-actions/qa/test.handlers-1.1.0-QA.jar", "state": "active", "description": "Simple Life Cycle Action Handler appending Hello World to First Name " }, { "name": "NpiCleanseAction", "type": "com.reltio.lifecycle.actions.test.NpiCleanseAction", "module": "life-cycle-actions/qa/test.handlers-1.1.0-QA.jar", "state": "active", "description": "Life Cycle Actions for cleansing NPI attribute" } ]


[{ "name": "SimpleLifeCycleAction", "type": "com.reltio.lifecycle.actions.qa.SimpleLifeCycleAction", "module": "life-cycle-actions/qa/test.handlers-1.1.0-QA.jar", "state": "active", "description": "Simple Life Cycle Action Handler appending Hello World to First Name ", "updatedBy": "user", "updatedTime": 1440077669259 }, { "name": "NpiCleanseAction", "type": "com.reltio.lifecycle.actions.test.NpiCleanseAction", "module": "life-cycle-actions/qa/test.handlers-1.1.0-QA.jar", "state": "active", "description": "Life Cycle Actions for cleansing NPI attribute", "updatedBy": "user", "updatedTime": 1440077669259 } ]
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