Unify and manage your data

LCA as Google Functions: Tenant Configuration

Configure tenant lifecycle actions for entities and relationships in Google LCA using Google Cloud Run functions.

Define the tenant configuration for your Google function LCA.
  1. Define the region, project identifier, function name, and hookname for the LCA function.
    Use this example with placeholders:
      "lifecycleActions": {
        "<hookname>": [
    For protocol use BinaryJSON.
  2. Configure the LCA function.
    Invoke this operation:
    PUT {ENVIRONMENT_URL}/reltio/api/{TenantName}/configuration
    Ensure you replace the placeholders with your actual environment URL and tenant name. For details, see this operation on the Reltio Dev Portal.
    Use this example for guidance:
      "uri": "configuration/entityTypes/Company",
      "label": "Company",
      "description": "Company entity type",
      "extendsTypeURI": "configuration/entityTypes/Organization",
      "lifecycleActions": {
        "beforeSave": [
  3. To monitor the Google Functions, refer to Monitoring Google Functions.

After completing these steps, you can start using Google LCA and add your custom logic to the data lifecycle.