Unify and manage your data

Workflow in RDM

The workflow in RDM allows you to ensure governance of reference data in your organization.


Within an organization, reference data is data that does not change frequently. It is also possible that this data is managed manually by using spreadsheets instead of a dedicated system assigned to it. However, a small change to reference data without governance can result in inconsistencies, failed transactions, or changes in business processes.

The RDM workflow functionality enables the governance of reference data in your organization. It allows you to control and monitor updates to lookup values by different users. It also ensures that the changes to lookup values are sent to an approver who will review and then approve or reject the changes.

Roles for the Workflow

There are two roles available when the workflow functionality is enabled on your tenant:

ROLE_RDM_SUGGEST (Suggester) - Users with this role can add, edit, or delete lookup values but the changes are not committed. The changes are committed only when an approver approves the changes.

ROLE_RDM_REVIEW (Approver) - Users with this role receive an email notification when changes are made to lookup values. They then review the changes made to lookup values by multiple users and approve or reject changes as required.

Enable Workflow in RDM

This feature is automatically enabled (by default) in all existing and new customer tenants. A Customer Administrator can assign the necessary roles to selected users and they can start using the feature.

Assign the Appropriate Role to Configure Permissions

You must assign two roles, ROLE_RDM_SUGGEST and ROLE_RDM_REVIEW for suggester and approver respectively. You assign roles by using the User Management application in Console.

For users who will suggest changes to lookup values, assign the ROLE_RDM_SUGGEST role as shown below.

For users who will review and approve changes to lookup values, assign the ROLE_RDM_REVIEW role as shown below.

Note: It takes some time for the roles to take effect.