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Custom roles to access the Integration Hub

Learn about creating custom roles to access the Integration Hub.

To enable a user to access the Integration Hub, you assign one of the following system roles - ROLE_INTEGRATION_SPECIALIST or ROLE_INTEGRATION_CUSTOMER_ADMIN. These roles have a fixed set of permissions, which determines the extent of access a user has in the Integration Hub. For more information about these roles, see topic RIH access permissions.

To have more control on what a user can access in the Integration Hub, you can build custom roles specific to your Reltio Integration Hub account. Custom roles, as the name signifies, help to control access to various components based on your security requirements. For example, you can create a custom role that allows a user with view-only access to recipes.

So, here's what you need to do to create and assign custom roles to users:

  • Create a role in Reltio with name in ROLE_RIH_* format. For example, ROLE_RIH_VIEW_ONLY.

  • The permissions for this role are defined in the Workato sub account associated with your Reltio Integration Hub account. Provide this Role name to Reltio along with the details of permission to be configured.

  • Reltio creates the same role in your Workato sub account, associated with your Reltio Integration Hub account.

Multiple custom roles assigned

When multiple roles are assigned to a user, the first role in the list (and its permissions) is taken into consideration when providing access to RIH. For example:

The user simple_user1723 is assigned three different RIH custom roles. When the user logs into the tenant, the permissions associated with the first role ROLE_RIH_MIXED_ACCESS is considered for the user.

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