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Health Status of a Tenant

Learn about the tenant health status and what the values of the status mean and what to do.

In the Health Status widget, here are the different statuses of a tenant:

Here's what each status signifies:

  • Green - indicates that there are no internal events on the queue to process; meaning that no activities are performed on the tenant by users or by any internal Reltio process.

  • Yellow - indicates that internal events on the queue are being processed. Since user activity generates events to this queue, this is the most likely status to be displayed even if only one event is being processed.

  • Red - indicates that internal events on the queue are being processed, but the system is most likely encountering failures or service disruption. Contact us when you see this status, see topic Get help in Support Portal.

The health status is obtained from the Get Status by Tenant ID API endpoint. If there are some issues with the endpoint or the endpoint returns no data, the health status will be empty as follows:

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