Unify and manage your data

Enable Match IQ

Learn how to enable Match IQ.

Note: Match IQ is not included in tenants created after the 2025.1 release. For more information, see topic Match IQ - Feb 2026​​.
You need to have the ROLE_TENANT_ADMIN role to enable Match IQ. For more information, see topic Tenant Administrator Role Across all Services.
Use Match IQ to build a machine-learning (ML) based model from scratch and generate additional matching actions. For more information, see topic Train an ML model from scratch with Match IQ.

To train your new ML model, Match IQ uses a specific secondary data storage. So, at the end of the enablement process, we'll automatically trigger a data sync between your tenant's primary data storage and that specific secondary data storage. Wait until your entire data set is synced before you start creating your new ML model.

To enable Match IQ:
  1. On the Reltio app selector, navigate to and select Console > Match IQ
  2. Select LET'S GET STARTED.
  3. Confirm that your entire data set is synced on your tenant using these Tasks endpoints:
    1. Check the current task status:
      GET {ApplicationURL}/{tenant}/tasks
    2. Check the task history:
      GET {ApplicationURL}/{Tenant}/tasks/history
    3. Check the status of this task:
      GET {ApplicationURL}/{Tenant}/tasks/{taskId}
    For more information on these endpoints, see topic Tasks API.
When the task status is complete, Match IQ is enabled, ready for you to create your new ML model.
If you run into any issues while trying to enable Match IQ, raise a support ticket. For more information, see topic Get help in Support Portal
Start training your new ML model by using an active learning process where you answer questions to train the model. For more information, see topic Match IQ Workflow.
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