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Reltio Integration for Salesforce (with RIH) at a glance

Get a high-level view of Reltio Integration for Salesforce (with RIH).

Take it from the top with Reltio Integration for Salesforce (with RIH). Get the overview here, then see the sub topics in this section to drill down to the details.

What is Reltio Integration for Salesforce (with RIH)?

Reltio Integration for Salesforce (with RIH) provides prebuilt Reltio Integration Hub recipes with out-of-the-box mapping setups related to Reltio's B2B velocity pack.

Who is Reltio Integration for Salesforce (with RIH) for?

This content is curated for these Reltio user roles defined in topic About roles:

Data Product Owner Developer Reltio Configurator Solution Architect

Why would I use Reltio Integration for Salesforce (with RIH)?

By integrating with the Reltio Data Cloud, you acquire data that is cleansed and consolidated from various sources into a golden record.

When would I use Reltio Integration for Salesforce (with RIH)?

Use this integration when you need to sync and maintain the latest data related to your contacts and accounts in Salesforce with your data in your Reltio tenant.

Where do I find Reltio Integration for Salesforce (with RIH)?

Reltio Integration for Salesforce (with RIH) are available from Reltio Integration Hub. Access RIH from Applications > Inetgration Hub. For more information, see topic RIH navigation.

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