Unify and manage your data

Usage and Billing Metrics

The Statistics page showcases key insights and statistics about existing tenants and environments.

The Statistics page includes billing metrics to provide you a more comprehensive view of your Reltio platform usage and quotas.

View this information in Usage and billing metrics section of this page:
  • Total consolidated profiles: The total number of consolidated profiles indicates a count of Consolidated profiles (by each entity type and total across all entity types) for each tenant (by tenantID). A consolidated profile is a unique profile managed to create and master by consolidating attributes from one or more sources. Tier size is based on the estimated count of consolidated profiles.

    Note: Consolidated profiles include profiles related to Grouping entities.
  • Total reference profiles: The total number of reference profiles indicates a count of Reference profiles (by each entity type and total across all entity types) for each tenant (by tenantID). A reference profile is included in a tenant from a single source and is referenced by a consolidated profile but is not mastered. This profile contributes to the total Reltio storage unit quota limits.

    Note: Each Master Data Management (MDM) entity type can contain either a reference profile or a consolidated profile. If an entity has at least one match rule, it can contain only consolidated profiles. If no match rules are present, it can contain only reference profiles.
  • Reltio storage unit: Reltio storage unit size in Terabytes (TBs). Reltio Storage Units (RSUs) represent the total used primary and secondary storage for the selected tenant. The Reltio Storage Unit is calculated for each tenant (by tenant ID) as follows:
    • Reltio storage unit = (Total Utilized Primary Tier Storage) + (Total Utilized Secondary Tier Storage)
  • Active users: The active users are the unique users (excluding the system users) for the selected period and duration.

  • Data API calls:The number of API calls made to add, update, or delete data.

  • Count of entity types: Count of entity types indicates the different types of entities in the tenant.

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