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Notifications page

Learn about the Notification page to view alerts on match rule events.

Use the Notification service to subscribe to messages about account-related activity, such as match rule events, and view them on Notifications page in your tenant.

To access the Notifications page:
  • Click the bell icon on the top-right corner of a Reltio Console page link. The bell icon includes the number of any events listed in the page.


  • From the Applications menu at the top-right of the Console page, select Console and under the Configuration section click Notification management.

The notification page displays the number of notifications and each notification contains a summary, a description of the event and a link to the related documentation page. The notifications are sorted by date and can be collapsed. You can change the number of notifications displayed per page by using the Events per page dropdown and navigate pages using the navigation buttons.

Note: Some Reltio services, such as Export Job, Dataload Job, External Match Job, Reindex Job, and Rebuild Match Job, deliver notifications in email messages. For information on how to implement and configure notification emails for those services, see the relevant topic.
Important: mas of now, the Proactive Monitoring system is the only service to leverage the Notification service. All other services like Export Job, Dataload Job, External Match Job, Reindex Job, and Rebuild Match Job will continue to use email notifications.