Unify and manage your data

Select the potential matches for a profile

Learn how to select profiles that are a potential match for your main entity. If you’re a data steward working with profiles, then this topic is for you.

The Potential Matches page enables you to merge profiles that are a potential match to an entity. For more information, see topic Potential Matches perspective navigation.

In the Potential Matches page, you select the profiles that are a potential match for your main entity. Selecting them here adds the profile details as a separate column alongside the main entity details in the Potential Matches page.

To select profiles as potential matches for an entity:
  1. Open the Potential Matches page. For more information, see topic Potential Matches perspective navigation.
  2. In the right navigation pane, select the Potential Matches tab.
    A list of profiles is displayed on the right.

    The relevance score of each profile is also displayed, which will help you to determine the profiles that can be a match. You can expand the rules section to view more details about the match rules and their individual relevance score. For more information, see topic Potential Matches perspective navigation.

    You can also sort the list of matches displayed here based on their relevance score and action label. In the dropdown list, select Relevance score, and by default the matches displayed here are sorted highest to lowest based on the relevance score. Click the arrow button to view the matches with the lowest score first, as shown below. You can also sort the matches based on the match action by selecting the Match action option from the drop down.

    Note: The Relevance score is available only for those records that are matched based on the relevance based match rule type. For more information, see topic Relevance-Based Matching - Detailed Explanation.

    Profiles selected here are displayed in different columns next to the main entity in the Potential Matches page.

    Note: You can resize the width of the columns here to suit your requirements. Hover your cursor over the boundary of the column till you see the double-headed arrow and drag it to the desired width. These changes are saved as user level preferences, and displayed as is when you log in the next time.

    If the profile you selected belongs to a data tenant, an icon indicating the data tenant is displayed for the profile in the Potential Matches page and in its respective profile column in the main page as shown in this image:

    Each profile selected here is color coded. Do you see the small band of color at the edge of the profile that is selected? It's a different color for each profile. You will find the same color in the corresponding profile column in the main page, making it easier for you to identify the profile selected.

    Note: You can also resize the right panel if you want to view and compare profiles better. Rest your cursor on the boundary of the tab till you see the double-headed arrow and drag it to the desired width. The changes you make to the width will be saved, and displayed when you log in to the Potential Matches page the next time.
  3. Select the Filter button.
  4. In the displayed Filter dialog box, specify the filters to select profiles as potential matches:

    1. Select or clear the Show transitive matches check box to determine whether to display profiles that are matched through transitivity. By default, this check box is cleared, so only profiles that are directly matched based on a match rule are displayed and transitive matches aren't displayed.
      Note: Transitive matches are indirectly identified due to other matches. For example, Profile A matches Profile B on the basis of a match rule and Profile C matches Profile B. Hence, Profile C matches Profile A indirectly, which is known as a transitive match.
    2. From the dropdown list, select an attribute, specify the operator, and enter or select the attribute value.
      Note: A dropdown for certain attributes initially displays a limited set of values. To view more values, select the LOAD MORE button.
      For example, you can filter profiles based on the relevance score and action label, as shown below. These filters will display those profiles that have a relevance score above 50% and that are marked as potential matches.

    3. Add additional attribute filters using either of these controls at the end of the first line:
      • +: Add a new filter row below, where you can specify more attribute filter conditions

      • Copy: Copy the current filter to a new filter row below, where you can modify it it to create another attribute filter condition.


      Select X to delete the filter.

    4. Select Apply to create this potential matches profile, which will display a list of matching profiles in the Potential Matches page.
  5. From the list, select the profiles that you think are a match for your main entity.
    Note: You can select a maximum of four profiles in this view. If you want to compare more than four profiles at a time, switch to the table view.
  6. Close the tab.
    Back in the Potential Matches page, the selected profiles are displayed as separate columns alongside the main entity details.

The profiles are displayed as columns side by side so that it’s easier for you to compare the records. The attributes that are similar to both the profiles are highlighted. You can now merge these profiles or mark them as not a match. For more details, see topic Merge potential matches.