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The Graph Type

The Graph type defines a hierarchical structure you can use to model a tree of entities and is usually displayed on an profile page using the Hierarchy facet.

A tree of data will populate within the facet anytime the entity that you have navigated to (that is, the base entity of the current profile page you are on) is a member of the tree. If it is not, then the facet will contain no data.

A Graph is naturally heterogeneous meaning that it can be composed of different entity types and different relationship types. It can even support entities that have multiple parents. A branch that has multiple parents is shown with a special indicator. The user is able to click the indicator and understand the multiple parents.

Once you have defined the graph type within your tenant configuration, you must configure the Hierarchy facet within the UI Configuration. The UI facet must be configured to support all of the parent-child relationships and entity types you wish displayed within the facet.

Following are graph type examples:

Here is an example using Reltio’s Data Driven Application Life Sciences 360, of a profile for Alta Bates Medical Center which is a member of a very deep and complex Health Care hierarchy.

Here is an example using Reltio’s Solution Accelerator of a profile which is represented in two hierarchy facets simultaneously (a member of two graphs). This example illustrates the important concept in the Reltio platform architecture that the entities are not duplicated across the hierarchies. Instead each entity is singular but can be a member of multiple graphs each with their own set of unique relationship types that allow them to behave separately from one another. Referring again to this example, the user is able to rearrange the entities in the Sales Hierarchy to suit the way his company interacts with CAT America, while leaving the D&B legal structure intact.

Branches with Multiple Parents

If a branch has multiple parents, this is indicated as shown here:

Clicking on the icon enables the user to see the indication of the parents as shown here:

The Two-tier Hierarchy Facet

This is used in cases where you wish to display a two-tier graph, where the Tier 1 nodes are related to the base entity of the page. In the example below, the committees are all related to the base hospital (HCO) that the user navigated to. Each committee has a collection of physicians (HCPs) related to it. Notice that no tree is implied, and visually this facet doesn’t use a branch visual but rather a collection of carats instead.