MinimumVerificationLevel option
Learn about the MinimumVerificationLevel option to specify the level a record must reach to avoid reversion.
Use the MinimumVerificationLevel option to specify the minimum verification level that a record must reach in order to avoid reversion.
and valid values are 0-
, where:5
indicatesDelivery Point
(PostBox or SubBuilding)4
(Premise or Building)3
If the MinimumVerificationLevel
option is set to a specific value, but
the cleansing service is unable to verify (as per the Pre-Processed Verification Level
of AVC) to that level, then the
address remains uncleansed.
Take a look at the address sample and the table below, to understand how the MinimumVerificationLevel
option works.
Request Body - Address Sample
"pcde": "00725",
"admn": "PR",
"add1": "Cond Islabella",
"lcty": "Caguas"
Minimum Verification Level | Output | Details |
When the MinimumVerificationLevel is not set
(Default value is 0) |
| The output returns a cleansed address with additional information.
Wherein, "AVC":"P44-I44-P5-095" indicates that the
address is partially verified to level 4 (Premise or
Building). Suppose, you do not want an address to be considered as
cleansed if it does not meet your defined level (for example, 5).
Then, in that case, you can use the
When the MinimumVerificationLevel is set to
5 |
| The output indicates that the cleansing service was unable to verify
as per the defined level 5 .Hence, the output returned is not a cleansed address and only consists of the input fields that were part of the request body. Wherein,