Accelerate the Value of Data

Create entities connector

Use this connector to create one or more entities.

Input PayloadList of Entity objects to create (List \<Map\<String, Object>>)
Output PayloadList of Entity Objects (List<Map<String, Object>>)
Data Sense

Dynamically build Input and Output structures at design time. Map request object list to JSON, response JSON to object list.


Sample Request

                "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Individual",
                "attributes": {
                "FirstName": [{
                "value": "Dima"
                "LastName": [{
                "value": "Kuznetsov"

Sample Response

                "index": 0,
                "object": {
                "URI": "entities/FG7htmx",
                "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Individual",
                "createdBy": "",
                "createdTime": 1480535621632,
                "updatedBy": "",
                "updatedTime": 1480535621632,
                "attributes": {
                "LastName": [{
                "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Individual/attributes/LastName",
                "ov": true,
                "value": "Kuznetsov",
                "URI": "entities/FG7htmx/attributes/LastName/Tw1DLk7T"
                "FirstName": [{
                "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Individual/attributes/FirstName",
                "ov": true,
                "value": "Dima",
                "URI": "entities/FG7htmx/attributes/FirstName/Tw1DLfrD"
                "isFavorite": false,
                "crosswalks": [{
                "URI": "entities/FG7htmx/crosswalks/Tw1DLoNj",
                "type": "configuration/sources/Reltio",
                "value": "FG7htmx",
                "reltioLoadDate": "2016-11-30T19:53:41.632Z",
                "createDate": "2016-11-30T19:53:41.632Z",
                "updateDate": "2016-11-30T19:53:41.632Z",
                "attributes": [
                "singleAttributeUpdateDates": {}
                "analyticsAttributes": {},
                "label": "",
                "secondaryLabel": ""
                "successful": true
Table 1. Parameters
Entity TypeStringYes

Dynamically populated by Connector Data Sense with list of Entity Types (Company / Individual / Product /...)

Once selected, connector with fetch / update Inbound and Outbound metadata to match specific Entity type

Entity IDStringNo ()The entity ID

Enables entities filtering by a condition. Format for filter query parameter:

filter=({Condition Type}[AND/OR {Condition Type}]*)


Comma-separated list of properties from entity structure that should be returned in a response. Allows you to return partial entity object. List of entity object properties you can find Entities API.

Additional system properties are:

  • attributes._lookupCodes-return codes for lookup attributes
  • attributes._lookupValues-return values for lookup attributes



maxIntegerNo (50)Positive Integer value to identify the maximum number of entities to return in a response. Can be used to organize pagination in combination with the "offset" parameter.
offsetIntegerNo (0)Positive Integer value to identify starting what element in a result set should be returned in a response. Can be used to organize pagination in combination with the "limit" parameter.
sortStringNo ()

Entity objects property that should be used for sorting. Can be used in combination with "order" parameter to have reverse order.

Default sorting in by entity URI.

Note: Not supported yet.



returnInactiveBooleanNo (false)Flag to search for active and inactive entities.
optionsStringNo ()

Comma-separated list of different options.

Available options:

  • sendHidden-disabled by default, entity's JSON will contain hidden attributes if this option is enabled.
  • searchByOv-disabled by default, to search by all attributes with Operational Value (OV) only

You can use the searchByOv and sortByOv options in case of DYNAMIC or STATIC index OV strategy. If you use searchByOv option, sorting by OV works automatically.

In case of NONE strategy, the sortByOv option is ignored. If you want to sort by OV, you should switch indexOvStrategy to STATIC or DYNAMIC.

  • ovOnly-return only attribute values that have ov=true flag.
  • nonOvOnly-return only attribute values that have OV=false flag. If you have a nested or reference attribute value where ov=true, but sub-attributes where OV=false, then these sub attributes will not appear in the response.

