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Configure Reltio Integration for Salesforce to use certificate-based authentication

Learn how to configure Reltio Integration for Salesforce to use certificate-based authentication.

After you establish the connection between Salesforce and your Reltio tenant, you must configure the connection.
Reltio Integration for Salesforce uses the OAuth 2.0 JSON Web Token (JWT) bearer flow to authenticate services to enable the Salesforce and Reltio servers to exchange information. For more information on how Salesforce manages this JWT bearer flow from its side, see the Salesforce Help on OAuth 2.0 JWT Bearer Flow for Server-to-Server Integration.
CAUTION: For certificate-based authentication, Reltio Integration for Salesforce supports only certificates from Salesforce Managed Package settings; it doesn't support self-signed or third-party authority certificates.
To configure certificate-based authentication in the Reltio Integration for Salesforce:
  1. Open the Reltio SFDC Integration setup page:
    1. From the Salesforce App Launcher toolbar, select Setup.

    2. In the Setup page navigation panel, select PLATFORM TOOLS > Apps > Connected Apps > Manage Connected Apps.
    3. In the Setup Manage Connected Apps page, select Reltio SFDC Integration.
  2. In the Setup page, specify the authentication details:
    1. In the Connected App Detail section, select Edit Policies.
    2. In the OAuth Policies section, change the value in the Permitted Users field to Admin approved users are pre-authorized.
    3. Select Save.
  3. Back in the Setup page, specify the profile for the service user:
    1. In the Profiles section, select Manage Profiles.
    2. Select the check box for the profile you want to use for the Reltio Integration for Salesforce service user, for example, System Administrator.
    3. Select Save.
  4. Sign in to the Reltio Integration for Salesforce:
    1. In the Salesforce App Launcher, open the Reltio Integration for Salesforce app.
    2. On the Reltio Integration for Salesforce menu bar, select the Reltio Control Panel tab, which opens the app on the Configuration page.

    3. In the Reltio Credentials tab, enter your Reltio Cloud information and select Verify:
      • Reltio tenant ID

      • Reltio tenant environment

      • Reltio username

      • Reltio password

      • Save my credentials

    4. In the Salesforce Credentials tab, provide your Salesforce service user credentials and select Verify:
      • Certificate Based Authentication: Select this checkbox

      • Username

      • Login URL

      • Save my credentials

A Verification Successful message is displayed at the top of the page.