Accelerate the Value of Data

Search account or contact before creating records

Learn more about the recipe to search for accounts and contacts in Salesforce.

SFDC | API | SBC - Search Account/Contact

This recipe uses a Workato API endpoint, which searches for accounts and contacts in Salesforce and Organization details in the Reltio source system. If the recipe is successful, it returns the search results as an array. If it's not successful, it returns an error code and message.

This is the base API recipe for SBC Search functionality, which is triggered by requests from the API Platform. The input parameters of this recipe are:

  • filter - the SBC search filter that contains field:data map.

  • recordTypeId - The Salesforce Account or Contact record type identifier.

  • test - The recipe has to test itself with some fake search data, by calling the underlying systems.

  • options - Search options such as searchByOv, useContains, useFuzzy, useOr

  • max - The maximum limit of the number of records in the search results, per source system. This value cannot be higher than 100.

For the specified input parameters, this recipe calls the Process sub-recipe to execute the search from Salesforce and Reltio. If the recipe is executed successfully, it returns a list of records. If it is not successful, it returns an error code with a message.