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Profiles for Reltio 360 Data Products

Learn about profiles in the Reltio Hub.

What is an entity? An entity can be a person, organization, place, object, or thing that is an element of your organization. Reltio 360 Data Products uses Profiles to manage entities.

The Reltio 360 DP Search page displays a list of loaded profiles. Select a profile to display its entity details in the Profile view as shown in this screenshot.

In the Profile view, the Profile tab displays the entity's attributes.

An attribute can be any value that characterizes or defines the entity. For example, the name or date of birth of an employee in your organization. Attributes can be simple, nested (has sub-attributes), or referenced (references other attributes). For example, in a profile, the entity name is a simple attribute, the phone number is a nested attribute, and address (that references locations to be used as address) is a reference attribute.

Use these modes to manage your profiles:

  • Viewing - View profile details, which is the default. As the name suggests, it's a read-only display of the profile..

  • Editing - Edit attribute values.

  • Delete - Delete a profile.