Unify and manage your data

Pin Attribute

Learn about pinning an attribute

The Pin attribute function enables you to pin an attribute value from a set of values. When you pin a value, you're selecting a value, and not a specific crosswalk. Therefore, all crosswalk values in the list for the attribute that are equal to the pinned value, also get pinned. A pinned value becomes the OV for the attribute, and the survivorship strategy is ignored.

  • When getting attribute values, the pinned value is always returned first no matter which survivorship strategy is set for this attribute type.
  • If you remove or override a pinned attribute, either using the API or the UI, the pin is removed.
  • If a value is pinned, and that value is updated through API or DCR, the updated value also remains pinned.
  • To override the pin flag when the same value is updated from a different crosswalk, raise a support ticket requesting to set the overridePrevValueStatus to true in the Tenant Storage Configuration of the Physical Configuration. For more information, see topic Get help in Support Portal.


PUT /{attributeValueURI}/pin {"value": true}
Table 1. Parameters
Parameter Required Details




Information about authentication access token in format Bearer <accessToken>. For more information, see Authentication API.




JSON object representing attribute value "pin" state.


JSON objects with:

  • URI: URI of attribute that was updated/created.
  • error: if an object cannot be updated for some reason. Contains details of the problem. Returns only if an object wasn't updated. Some possible errors are as follows:
    • warning: if object is updated but there were some problems.
    • status: result of operation, and possible values are OK or failed.


PUT /entities/00005KL/attributes/FirstName/49/pin
Headers:Authorization:Bearer 204938ca-2cf7-44b0-b11a-1b4c59984512,


PUT /entities/00005KL/attributes/FirstName/49/pin
Headers:Authorization:Bearer 204938ca-2cf7-44b0-b11a-1b4c59984512,