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US Census replaced with Census Plus - Sep 2024

Learn about 2010 US Census data fields deprecation.

Say goodbye to US Census fields and hello to US Census Plus ones.

Reltio plans to retire US Census 2010 dataset fields from the Reltio Address Cleanser, replacing those fields with US Census 2020 dataset fields, also known as Census Plus.

What are we deprecating?

We are deprecating these US Census 2010 dataset fields:

  • CBSAMetropolitanStatisticalArea

  • CBSAMicropolitanStatisticalArea

  • MetropolitanDivision

  • NECTADivision

  • NECTAMetropolitanStatisticalArea

  • NECTAMicropolitanStatisticalArea

For more details on the differences between the Census datasets, see topic Comparing Census Plus and census data fields.

Why are we deprecating it?

Beginning with its Q3 2022 major release, Loqate updated the dataset used for address data enrichment with U.S. Census Plus data, including both format and values. Loqate switched from 2010 to 2020 Census data to deliver the most up-to-date information to customers. Reltio maintained backwards compatibility with the older data format when adopting the new dataset, to limit the immediate impact on customers who were already using this feature. We are working to eliminate the redundant, older format from our Address Cleanser.

When are we deprecating it?

We're deprecating the US Census fields on September 30, 2024.

What does this mean to you?

You will no longer be able to use deprecated Census fields from the 2010 format, adopting the improved format with richer data.

What action do you need to take?

If you are using the deprecated fields from the Census dataset, you must upgrade your tenant business configuration and any other integrated components in order to continue to use the corresponding, upgraded fields in the Census Plus dataset. Learn how to topic Enable US Census Plus data.

Still have questions?

If you're using 2010 US Census data, you'll receive an email about the deprecation of these fields. For any other questions, contact Reltio Support.