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2023.3 weekly release notes

Review what’s new on the Reltio platform.

Find out what's new and notable each week in the Reltio Connected Data Platform 2023.3. Get a bird's-eye view of new features, enhancements, and bug fixes here, then follow topic links to dive into the detail.

2023.3.12.0 weekly release notes | 12-Feb-2024

Learn about the new features and enhancements introduced in the 2023.3.12.0 weekly release.

Find out what's new and notable each week in the Reltio Connected Data Platform 2023.3.
Relations API
We changed the default value of the connectRelationsToDefaultCrosswalk property to true in your tenant physical configuration. When you post relations using entity URIs, the relations are automatically created with the default crosswalk. This ensures relations are linked to the correct entities when they are merged or unmerged later. For more information, see topic The connectRelationsToDefaultCrosswalk Property .
Reltio for Life Sciences v3 velocity pack

Reltio for Life Sciences now helps Clinical and R&D divisions discover, investigate, launch, and commercialize life sciences products and devices with necessary regulatory compliance. Reltio has rationalized the velocity pack (VP) data models and updated the content to make it consistent across the various VPs.

The Life Sciences for Product v3 velocity pack data model provides these new entity types:
  • Medicinal Product
  • Product Group
  • Device
  • Package Medicinal Product
  • Pharmaceutical Product
  • Ingredients and Substance
It also provides updated data models:
  • New entity types related to the Patient and Product data domains
  • New relationship types related to the Patient and Product data domains
  • Entity types with new and updated attributes
  • Relationship types with new and updated attributes

For more information, see What you get with Reltio for Life Sciences.

Important: If you are just starting out with Reltio for Life Sciences, use this v3 velocity pack. If you're already using a Life Sciences velocity pack, stick with it. This v3 velocity pack isn't backwards compatible with the previous Reltio for Life Sciences velocity pack.

2023.3.11.0 weekly release notes | 05-Feb-2024

Learn about the new features and enhancements introduced in the 2023.3.11.0 weekly release.

Find out what's new and notable each week in the Reltio Connected Data Platform 2023.3.
Reltio for Consumer Data (B2C) v3 velocity pack
Reltio for Consumer Data (B2C) gets you started at even greater speed! Reltio has rationalized the velocity pack (VP) data models and updated the content to make it consistent across the various VPs. The Reltio for Consumer Data (B2C) v3 velocity pack provides:
  • Updated data models:
    • New Household entity type
    • Individual and Location entity types with new and updated attributes
    • New relationship types
    • Relationship types with new and updated attributes

For more information, see What you get with Reltio for B2C.

Important: If you are just starting out with Reltio for Consumer Date (B2C), use this v3 velocity pack. If you're already using a Consumer Date (B2C) velocity pack, stick with it. This v3 velocity pack isn't backwards compatible with the previous Reltio for Consumer Date (B2C) velocity pack..
Reltio for Insurance v3 velocity pack
Reltio for Insurance gets you started at even greater speed! Reltio has rationalized the velocity pack (VP) data models and updated the content to make it consistent across the various VPs. The Reltio for Insurance v3 velocity pack provides:
  • Updated data models:
    • New Household entity type
    • Entity types with new and updated attributes
    • New relationship types
    • Relationship types with new and updated attributes

For more information, see What you get with Reltio for Insurance.

Important: If you are just starting out with Reltio for Insurance, use this v3 velocity pack. If you're already using a Insurance velocity pack, stick with it. This v3 velocity pack isn't backwards compatible with the previous Reltio for Insurance velocity pack..
Automatic unmerge
Loved our automatic unmerge feature, but didn't really like manual merges and all crosswalks being unmerged? Well, don't fret. We enhanced the automatic unmerge feature to:
  • Enable you to specify the crosswalks: Previously, all crosswalks for an entity were automatically unmerged. Some of them shouldn't have been. So, we now enable you to specify the crosswalks that must be ignored during automatic unmerge.
  • Ignore manual merges: We now ensure manual merges are not unmerged. Be it a merge done using an API, or manually done by a data steward, we now ensure that such entities are not part of the automatic unmerge process. But hold on, we are not done yet. If you want to include manual merges, you can configure your automatic unmerge feature to do just that. For more information, see topic Automatically unmerge entity records.
Salesforce Connector Synchronization messages
We enhanced the Salesforce Connectors Synchronization log messages to ensure that they are properly classified, and easily convey the action you need to take. We also filled in missing information, such as the error code and tracking ID that helps in categorizing and tracking the logs. For more information, see topic Salesforce Connector Synchronization Process Error Codes.

2023.3.10.0 weekly release notes | 29-Jan-2024

Learn about the new features and enhancements introduced in the 2023.3.10.0 weekly release.

Find out what's new and notable each week in the Reltio Connected Data Platform 2023.3.
Reltio for Financial Services v3 velocity pack
Reltio for Financial Services gets you started at even greater speed! Reltio has rationalized the velocity pack (VP) data models and updated the content to make it consistent across the various VPs. The Reltio for Financial Services v3 velocity pack provides:
  • Updated data models:
    • Financial Account, Financial Professional, Household, Individual, Location, and Organization entity types with new and updated attributes
    • New Household address relationship type
    • Relationship types with new and updated attributes

For more information, see What you get with Reltio for Financial Services.

Important: If you are just starting out with Reltio for Financial Services, use this v3 velocity pack. If you're already using a Financial Services velocity pack, stick with it. This v3 velocity pack isn't backwards compatible with the previous Reltio for Financial Services velocity pack..
Show me more!
Now you can watch as well as read instructions on how to Create DVFs in the Data Modeler. We're redoubling our efforts to give you a choice in how to consume task topics, so keep your eye for more how-to videos this year.

2023.3.9.0 weekly release notes | 22-Jan-2024

Learn about the new features and enhancements introduced in the 2023.3.9.0 weekly releases.

2024.1 here we come!
Our Product, Engineering, and Documentation teams have been busy wrapping up new features for the upcoming major release. Find out about the features we've been working on in the 2024.1 Reltio Release Customer & Partner Overview on 25-Jan-24! We'll have all the details in the Preview release notes on 29-Jan-24.

2023.3.8.0 weekly release notes | 16-Jan-2024

Learn about the new features and enhancements introduced in the 2023.3.8.0 weekly releases.

Find out what's new and notable each week in the Reltio Connected Data Platform 2023.3.

Reltio Integration Hub (RIH)
If you have a Customer Admin Role, you can now create API Clients and Client Roles in RIH:
  • create, update, and delete client roles
  • create new API clients for the client roles and use the keys generated in the RIH APIs
For more information, see topic Setting up Reltio Integration Hub.
D&B Connector - URI mismatch
With the new mergeOrgsWithSameDUNSByPotentialMatches parameter for the D&B Connector, you can view the organizations in the potential matches screen and decide whether or not to merge the records even if there is a URI mismatch. For more information, see topics Troubleshooting Guide for Reltio Enrichment with D&B, Reltio Enrichment with D&B Switches, and Create D&B Batch Job.
Data Modeler - Graph types
You can now create your very own graph types from the Console Data Modeler instead of using APIs. Use these graph types to view profile relationships in a graphical interface. For more information, see topic Create new graph types.

2023.3.7.0 weekly release notes | 8-Jan-2024

Learn about the new features and enhancements introduced in the 2023.3.7.0 weekly releases.

Find out what's new and notable each week in the Reltio Connected Data Platform 2023.3.

Undo your vote
In the Profile Relationship facet, you can now undo your vote for an affiliation that you had agreed or disagreed on. Click the vote for the affiliation to cancel or undo it. For more information, see topics Rate details in the Relationship facet and Profile Attribute Facets.

2023.3.6.0 weekly release notes update | 25-Dec-2023

Learn about the new features and enhancements introduced in the 2023.3.6.0 weekly releases.

Find out what's new and notable each week in the Reltio Connected Data Platform 2023.3.

Happy holidays!
This is the final weekly release of the Documentation Portal for 2023 (last week was our final software release). We wish you and yours a happy and healthy close to 2023 and a great start to 2024!

Just a reminder that our holiday release freeze for software continues through January 2, 2024. We'll be back with weekly release updates on Monday, 08-Jan-2024.

Reltio for Healthcare v3 velocity pack
Reltio for Healthcare gets you started at even greater speed! Reltio has rationalized the velocity pack (VP) data models and updated the content to make it consistent across the various VPs. Reltio for Healthcare is the first of our v3 velocity packs and boasts:
  • Updated data models:
    • Person, HCO, HCP, Payer entity types with new and updated attributes
    • Relationships with new and updated attributes
  • New and updated configurations:
    • New Match Rules
    • Survivorship Rules

For more information, see What you get with Reltio for Healthcare.

Important: If you are just starting out with Reltio for Healthcare, use this v3 velocity pack. If you're already using a Healthcare velocity pack, stick with it. This v3 velocity pack isn't backwards compatible with the previous Reltio for Healthcare velocity pack..
Watch the latest DataDriven Podcast episode

Tune in as our SVP of Product Management, Venki Subramanian, covers Unleashing Data Power: Navigating the Future with Data Products on our DataDriven podcast. The conversation covers the foundational concept of data products, differentiating it from the "data as a product" concept and how enterprises implement these products across various sectors like retail, B2B, and healthcare.

2023.3.6.0 weekly release notes | 18-Dec-2023

Learn about the new features and enhancements introduced in the 2023.3.6.0 weekly releases.

Find out what's new and notable each week in the Reltio Connected Data Platform 2023.3.

Get in the groove with Reltio's cool new capabilities and rock to the remix of classic features:
Data Modeler - RDM lookup to Relationship attributes

The Data Modeler didn't previously map RDM lookups to Relationship attributes, which required you to manually update these attributes directly in your tenant configuration. We replaced this difficult and error-prone process with a new lookup pop-up for Relationship attributes, so you can add, update, or delete the RDM lookup configuration. For more information, see topic Creating New Relationship Types.

Grouping type match rule verification

The Data Modeler didn't verify if attributes had values on the fields listed in the match rule, when you created or edited household groups on the Console Data Modeler. With this release, the Data Modeler blocks the creation of a household group for entities that have attributes without values on those fields. For more information, see topic Automated householding.

RDM transcode errors for Reference attributes
In the Profile view, you can now view RDM transcode errors for reference attributes in the View mode. Click the error to navigate to the relevant attribute. For more information, see topic Profile Attribute Facets.

2023.3.5.0 weekly release notes | 13-Dec-2023

Learn about the new features and enhancements introduced in the 2023.3.5.0 weekly releases.

Find out what's new and notable each week in the Reltio Connected Data Platform 2023.3.

Important: The 2023.3.5.0 release scheduled for 11-Dec-2023 will be available on 13-Dec-2023.
Get in the groove with Reltio's cool new capabilities and rock to the remix of classic features:
Loser relationship DCR automatic removal
Previously, when you merged relationships, we didn't remove the data change request (DCR) associated with the loser relationship. We changed our DCR behavior to automatically remove the DCR associated with the loser relation after a merge. For more information, see topics Delete Data Change Request and Merge matched data.
DQ Dashboard Consolidation Rate chart change
The DQ Dashboard Consolidation rate chart previously displayed an inflated ratio for Reltio OV records compared to other source system crosswalks. We changed the calculation that included Reltio crosswalks both separately as well as within other source crosswalks, so the metric now provides a more accurate ratio. For more details, see topic Consolidation rate chart.
Final curtain for legacy features

We hope you've made a close connection with these new and improved data synchronization features debuted last November:

From 11-Dec-2023, we'll no longer maintain or support the retired cast members they replaced:

  • Reltio Analytics
  • Reltio Reporting
  • Data Science (RDS)
  • Legacy Reltio Connected Data for Snowflake

For more information, see the previously published playbill Reltio Analytics, Reporting, Data Science, and Connected Data for Snowflake deprecation notice.

One click to open links in Hub
In the Profile view, it takes one click less to open a link. You don't have to right-click and choose the Open in a new tab option anymore. Now, just press the Ctrl key and click the link to automatically open it in a new tab.

2023.3.4.0 weekly release notes update | 04-Dec-2023

Learn about the new features and enhancements introduced in the 2023.3.4.0 weekly release updates.

Find out what's new and notable each week in the Reltio Connected Data Platform 2023.3.

Holiday release thaw
We're still publishing documentation updates while the release freeze continues this week. Look for enhancements and fixes to resume next week! To close out with a trouble-free 2023, we'll freeze releases again December 19, 2023 - January 2, 2024. For more information, see the Holiday release freeze notice in our 2023.3.3.0 weekly release notes | 06-Nov-2023.
DataDriven Podcast drops new episode

In the latest DataDriven Podcast episode, Data Mesh Diaries: Chronicles of a Data Revolution, our experts time travel through the evolution of data management from simple relational databases to the era of data warehouses, the advent of cloud technologies, and beyond. Explore the cultural transformation necessary for integrated data management, the paradigm shift to treating data as a product, and insights into how MDM can optimize data process in the Data Mesh.

Find out more about this Podcast series, Webinars, events, and other ways to engage with our experts, MDM industry professionals, and other Reltio users in the Reltio Community. For more information, see topic Check out the Reltio Community.

2023.3.4.0 weekly release notes update | 27-Nov-2023

Learn about the new features and enhancements introduced in the 2023.3.4.0 weekly release updates.

Find out what's new and notable each week in the Reltio Connected Data Platform 2023.3.

Thankful for you
As the US observes the Thanksgiving holiday, we want to let you know we're grateful for you--our customers, partners, and colleagues worldwide!

While we're on a release freeze, we're still publishing documentation updates.

Get in the know
Remember these other channels to find out more about making the most of your Reltio platform:

Reltio Community: Connect with Master Data Management (MDM) peers and professionals within the industry. Interested in Reltio's take on 2024 data trends like generative AI, data mesh, and data unification? Check out this Community Data Driven Podcast!

Reltio Learn: Develop your skills and expertise in master data management. Want to level up your MDM expertise? Check out online courses, instructor-led classes, and certifications to show what you know!

2023.3.4.0 weekly release notes update | 20-Nov-2023

Learn about the new features and enhancements introduced in the 2023.3.4.0 weekly release updates.

Find out what's new and notable each week in the Reltio Connected Data Platform 2023.3.

As we announced last week, we're not rolling out any new features or fixes this week. We're still working hard behind the scenes fine-tuning our documentation magic.

2023.3.4.0 weekly release notes | 13-Nov-2023

Learn about the new features and enhancements introduced in the 2023.3.4.x weekly releases.

Find out what's new and notable each week in the Reltio Connected Data Platform 2023.3.

Get in the groove with Reltio's cool new capabilities and rock to the remix of classic features:
DIY project for Match IQ
Do you want to start training a machine-learning based match model, but Match IQ is not enabled on your tenant? Previously, to get it up and running on your tenant, you needed our support. Now, just dive in and enable it yourself, hassle-free! For more information, see topic Enable Match IQ.
Secure and transparent reporting, now!
The new Security Audit Log filters audit logs and exports them in CSV or JSON formats.
  • Near real-time audit reports: Generate audit log reports on-demand in real-time to get up-to-the-minute data for immediate analysis.

  • Event-type based filtering: Capture the security and compliance data you need to include in your audit log report, such as logins, user modifications, and role changes.

  • Complex filtering: Filter your audit log reports by details such as IP address, username, event type, and time range (up to 24 hours).

  • Security: Ensure only authorized users can export audit logs by assigning API access permissions to the Auth.Audit.Export resource.

  • Output format: Export and download audit log reports in JSON or CSV format, so you can easily integrate your audit data into third-party tools for further analysis and record-keeping.

  • SIEM system integration: Seamlessly integrate with your Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems such as Splunk, automating it to request data from the Security Audit Log API. For example, set your SIEM system to call the Security Audit Log at five-minute intervals to capture the most recent activities and return results in JSON format. Once the data is in your SIEM, monitor it for specific critical events and correlate information with other log sources.

    For more information, see Export security audit log reports.

2023.3.3.0 weekly release notes | 06-Nov-2023

Learn about the new features and enhancements introduced in the 2023.3.x weekly releases.

Find out what's new and notable each week in the Reltio Connected Data Platform 2023.3.

Get in the groove with Reltio's cool new capabilities and rock to the remix of classic features:
Holiday release freeze

We understand that you, particularly those of you with retail/consumer operations, expect high-availability and trouble-free operations during the Q4 peak period. To support you during this crucial period, we're making the following operational changes:

  • We'll pause releases for all customers during these weeks:
    • November 17, 2023 - December 4, 2023

    • December 19, 2023 - January 2, 2024

  • During this window, we won't make any major changes at the application or the infrastructure layer for our retail customers

  • We'll continue to proactively monitor our Reltio systems to ensure that availability and performance remain uninterrupted.

  • We'll provide Emergency Bug Fixes for urgent issues, if no workaround is possible or if a service becomes unavailable.

Profile dates

Before, on Hub Profile views, for date attributes, you could only select a date up to December 31, 2099. But now, we've changed that! You can pick any date in the future without restrictions. Just keep in mind that, for performance reasons, the Date picker will still display only up to the year 2099. But no worries, you can manually enter any date you need. For more information, see topic Profile Perspectives.

2023.3.2.0 weekly release notes | 30-Oct-2023

Learn about the new features and enhancements introduced in the 2023.3.x weekly releases.

Find out what's new and notable each week in the Reltio Connected Data Platform 2023.3.
New staged deployment process
You spoke, we listened! To optimize your experience with our weekly releases, we've implemented a new 3-stage deployment process:
  • Stage 1. We deploy to all development tenants on Fridays.
  • Stage 2. We deploy to all test tenants on Mondays.
  • Stage 3. We deploy to all production tenants later on Mondays.

For more information, see topic Reltio Release Process.

2023.3.1.0 weekly release notes | 23-Oct-2023

Learn about the new features and enhancements introduced in the 2023.3.x weekly releases.

Find out what's new and notable each week in the Reltio Connected Data Platform 2023.3.

Get in the groove with Reltio's cool new capabilities and rock to the remix of classic features:
Attribute APIs

In the Sources page of the Hub, did you notice that the pin or ignore flag for an attribute value was reset when you added or updated its value? Well, not anymore. We changed the Hub behavior so that the pin or ignore flags are always retained. For more information, see topics Add Attributes in the Sources Perspective and Pin a value in the Sources perspective.

2023.3.12.0 weekly release notes | 12-Feb-2024

Learn about the new features and enhancements introduced in the 2023.3.12.0 weekly release.

Find out what's new and notable each week in the Reltio Connected Data Platform 2023.3.
Relations API
We changed the default value of the connectRelationsToDefaultCrosswalk property to true in your tenant physical configuration. When you post relations using entity URIs, the relations are automatically created with the default crosswalk. This ensures relations are linked to the correct entities when they are merged or unmerged later. For more information, see topic The connectRelationsToDefaultCrosswalk Property .
Reltio for Life Sciences v3 velocity pack

Reltio for Life Sciences now helps Clinical and R&D divisions discover, investigate, launch, and commercialize life sciences products and devices with necessary regulatory compliance. Reltio has rationalized the velocity pack (VP) data models and updated the content to make it consistent across the various VPs.

The Life Sciences for Product v3 velocity pack data model provides these new entity types:
  • Medicinal Product
  • Product Group
  • Device
  • Package Medicinal Product
  • Pharmaceutical Product
  • Ingredients and Substance
It also provides updated data models:
  • New entity types related to the Patient and Product data domains
  • New relationship types related to the Patient and Product data domains
  • Entity types with new and updated attributes
  • Relationship types with new and updated attributes

For more information, see What you get with Reltio for Life Sciences.

Important: If you are just starting out with Reltio for Life Sciences, use this v3 velocity pack. If you're already using a Life Sciences velocity pack, stick with it. This v3 velocity pack isn't backwards compatible with the previous Reltio for Life Sciences velocity pack.