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Set up Reltio Lightspeed queries

Learn how to configure Reltio for efficient queries

Note: Reltio Lightspeed is only available on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
Before you begin:
  • Ensure the Reltio Lightspeed™ Data Delivery Network (Reltio Lightspeed) is enabled for your tenant, if in doubt raise a Support request.
  • Ensure you have the necessary permissions to modify tenant metadata configuration and execute the Reltio Lightspeed operations. You need to have a role with the appropriate access permissions (rights and privileges):
    • Any role with READ privileges on MDM.Data.Entities.Profile resource (requires the same level of access and therefore the same roles as for GET /entities/<id>).
    • The RELTIO_API role.
  • Identify attributes suitable for indexing.

Enable and configure Reltio Lightspeed to retrieve records by specified attribute, crosswalk, or entity / relationship URI, optimized for attributes such as unique identifiers.

This task guides you through configuring the tenant metadata to enable queries, setting up attributes for indexing, and initiating the indexing process to prepare for Reltio Lightspeed queries.
Note: The predicateEnabled setting enables indexing for the attribute, making it available for searches using Reltio Lightspeed™ Data Delivery Network (Reltio Lightspeed). Our API coding term for this querying capability is "Predicate Query API".
Set up Reltio Lightspeed queries:
  1. Configure tenant metadata: Add the indexingConfig object to the configuration for each attribute, source, entity type or relationship type to enable for querying.
    Note: Indexing of Date and Time attributes isn't supported.
    1. Attributes
      "attributes": [ { "label": "Name", "name": "Name", ..., "indexingConfig": { "predicateEnabled": true, "attributes": [<list of sub-attribtues>], "caseSensitive": false, "subAttributeValuesLimit": 2 }, ... }

      Enables indexing for the attribute, making it available for searches using the Predicate Query API (Reltio Lightspeed).

      A list of sub-attributes required for building the index, applicable only for nested or reference attributes.
      Defaults to true. Specifies whether the search by attribute should be case-sensitive.
      Defaults to 3. Specifies the maximum number of subnested or reference subattribute values to use when building the index.
    2. Crosswalks
      Enable sources for indexing and query by crosswalk. For example, to index all Zendesk crosswalks:"sources": [ { "uri": "configuration/sources/Zendesk", "label": "Zendesk", "abbreviation": "Zendesk", "indexingConfig": { "predicateEnabled": true } }, ... ]
    3. URIs
      To query data by URI, define the configuration at the entity type configuration level: "entityTypes": [ { "uri": "configuration/entityTypes/Organization", "label": "Organization", "description": "Organization entity type details", ... "indexingConfig": { "predicateEnabled": true }, ... } ]or at the relationship level:"relationTypes": [ { "uri": "configuration/relationTypes/IndividualHasAddress", "label": "Has Address", "description": "Defines a relationship between an individual and a location", ... "indexingConfig": { "predicateEnabled": true }, "startObject": { ... "objectTypeURI": "configuration/entityTypes/Individual" }, "endObject": { ... "objectTypeURI": "configuration/entityTypes/Location" }, ... } ]
  2. Retrieve and update tenant metadata configuration.
    To retrieve the configuration:GET {TenantURL}/api/{tenant}/configuration
    For more information, see topic Get configuration.
    To update the configuration:PUT {TenantURL}/api/{tenant}/configuration { // Full configuration JSON with updated indexed attributes }
    For more details, see topic Set configuration.
  3. Execute Performance index build task.
    Start the task to build or update indexes, in this case on entities: POST {TenantURL}/api/{tenant}/buildPerformanceIndexes?objectType=ENTITY
    Start the task to build or update indexes, in this case on relationships:POST {TenantURL}/api/{tenant}/buildPerformanceIndexes?objectType=RELATION
    Note the identifier returned in this response, to use in the next step.
  4. Use the task identifier, from the previous step, to monitor the status until the task shows as COMPLETED:
    GET {TenantURL}/api/{tenant}/tasks/{taskID}
    For more details, see topic Get task by id.
  5. Run query: after the indices are built, run the query to ensure it retrieves the expected records.
To find more details about the API operations, see topics Get Entity with Reltio Lightspeed and Get Relationship with Reltio Lightspeed, or refer to Reltio's developer portal.
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