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Exploring the Advanced Search

You can use the Advanced Search functionality and create complex search queries.

Advanced Search allows you to build complex queries by setting the search criteria for attributes, combining search conditions with various operators, and, grouping different search sets in an easy to use Query builder. To access the Advanced Search, click Advanced Search located on the Left panel.

You can select the entity type and build your search query in the Query builder.

Advanced search example

Let us take an example of Debbie, who wants to filter a segment of individuals between a certain age range, who live in a specific state and who have email addresses. So the marketing team can target market these individuals on an anti-ageing cream promotion they are launching through email. In this case, Debbie will select the Entity type - Individual, then she would search and select the following attributes: Age, State, and Email. Notice that the list of attributes in the menu only displays relevant attributes based on the entity type selected.

We wanted to ensure that we provide our users with a guided experience to yield accurate search results. From here, she can change to attribute conditions and add the values she wants to filter on. In addition, she can also change the operators between attribute rows. The Advanced Search functionality supports four operators - And, Or, And not, and Or not.

In this case, Debbie is only interested in the individuals between the age range of 35 and 65 so lets say Age in range 35 to 65, individuals who live in the state of California, and, individuals who have an existing email address as our search criteria.

You can also get a dynamic count of profiles based on your search criteria.

For example, Debbie is given a file that contains a list of entities with unique Entity IDs. She wants to know the different types of email, such as home, work,and so on, and their count in this file. In her search query, she references the file using the In file option, uses the AND operator where she includes the Email Type attribute to further filter the records. See the example given below:

When you reference a file, make sure that the file size is not over 10 MB and/or the number of rows in the file does not exceed 5000. You can also upload multiple files, if required, but ensure that their combined file size does not exceed 10 MB and/or the total number of rows in all the files does not exceed 5000.

Advanced search with pinned or ignored attributes

You can search for profiles based on attributes that were pinned or ignored. These are mainly simple or nested attributes that are pinned or ignored for a profile. Alternatively, you can also search for profiles where the attribute was not pinned or ignored. Here are the filters available to achieve this:

Use the Is pinned exists and Is Ignored exists filters to search for profiles that have pinned or ignored the selected attribute. When an attribute has multiple values, the exists clause is satisfied if any one of the values is pinned (or ignored). For example, the Name field has two values - Mary and Marianne. The value Mary is pinned for this entity. When you search for profiles using the Is pinned exists filter option, the filter retrieves the profile.

Use the Is pinned missing and Is Ignored missing filters to search for profiles where these attributes are not pinned or ignored. When an attribute has multiple values, the missing clause is only satisfied if none of the values are pinned or ignored. In the example above of a Name with two values, if you use the Is pinned missing filter option, then the filter does not retrieve the profile as one of the two values is pinned.

Note: When selecting the Is Ignored exists option, ensure you have not selected the Search by OV checkbox for the attribute.

What if you want to look at a list of profiles that have attributes (any attribute) pinned or ignored? Well, use these filter options in this scenario:

In the Attribute field, select Records with pinned attributes option to view profiles that have at least one attribute pinned. Select the Records with ignored attributes to view profiles that have at least one attribute ignored.

More options in the advanced search

The Advanced Search supports contextual actions where you can insert a new row, duplicate a row, or delete a row. In addition, you can also add a new set for grouping, duplicate a set, or delete a set. So, if Debbie were to also search for individuals between 45 and 55, who live in New York and who have an existing email, she can simply duplicate this set, which saves her time from having to search and select the same set of attributes. Now, she has to only change the values.

At the bottom of the search panel, we have added a Search Query Summary where Debbie can view her search query and validate. She can also copy this query and share with others. After Debbie defines her search query, she is now ready to view her search results. She can minimize this Advanced Search panel so she can have the maximum amount of real estate for the high volume of search results returned. Alternatively, if she wants to focus on her search query and keep on extending it, she can expand the search panel to full screen.

Now, Debbie is ready to save her search results or export it and share it with her marketing team.

You may receive an error message while performing an advanced search, if the your search request contains more than 10000 search criteria.

Note: You can use the following shortcut keys to set the Advanced search criteria and continue using the keyboard without switching between your keyboard and mouse:
  • Use the "Tab" key to switch between the text fields.
  • Use the "Up/Down" arrow keys to navigate the menu items. For example, you can select an attribute or an operator by using the "Up/Down" arrow keys.
  • Use the "Enter" key to select the values.