Unify and manage your data

Set up the recipes for Collibra integration

Learn how to use RIH recipes for Collibra integration, including initial setup, creating entities and relationships, and adding reference attribute relations.

Let's cover the usage scenarios for Reltio Integration for Collibra.

The following recipes and functions are deployed to the Recipes folder:

  • Main

  • Initial setup

  • Delete Assets

  • Create Attributes

  • Create Relationships

  • Create Entities

  • Add reference attribute relations

Here are the typical usage scenarios:
  1. Start Recipes

    Initially all recipes will be in Never active status. Start all recipes except the Main. Click on the 3 dots against each recipe and then click on Start Recipe to start the recipe.

  2. Configure Main Recipe
    1. Start all recipes except the Main.

      Click on Edit option for the Main recipe and scroll to the bottom on the edit page and click on Custom Properties setting.

    2. Enter the Reltio Tenant Id and Tenant Environment in the parameters.

      You can also update the Collibra Community Name and Domain Name if you want to not use the default values.

    3. Save Main recipe after all 4 values are provided and then click on Test Recipe button on top menu.

      The recipe will start execution and may run for 10-15 mins depending on the size and complexity of the L3 configuration in the tenant.

  3. Schedule Main Recipe

    The recipe is scheduled to run on the 1st of every month. If you Start the Main recipe, it will auto sync the metadata from Reltio to Collibra on the 1st of every month.

  4. Run on Demand
    Note: If you do not wish to run the recipe every month but only run it on demand whenever the metadata is updated in Reltio, then keep the recipe stopped and use the same Test Recipe feature to run the sync on demand.