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API usage

Learn about the data presented in the Usage Reporting application API page.

Welcome to your go-to spot for checking out API usage across all your tenants. Whether you're digging into the details or just want a quick overview, this page has got you covered.

API usage reports

This API Usage page is your toolkit for keeping tabs on how your tenants are interacting with your services. From high-level overviews to granular details, the controls, tables, and charts are all set up to help you understand your API landscape better. Dive in and start exploring your data!

API usage by date

Get a daily breakdown of how much your APIs are being called.
  • Date: Each row is a new day.
  • API Usage: Total calls made on that day.

There's a summary row too, showing the grand total of API calls across all the dates you're looking at.

API usage by tenant

Dive deeper with details on API usage by each tenant.
  • Date: Which day we're talking about.
  • Tenant Id: Identifies the tenant.
  • Tenant Purpose: The type of tenant, for example dev, prod, or test.
  • API Usage: How many calls were made.

API usage by endpoint

For the detail-oriented, this table breaks down usage by the nitty-gritty details of API calls grouped by date, tenant, source system, HTTP Method, and API endpoint.
  • Date: The day of the usage.
  • Tenant Id: Identifies the tenant.
  • Tenant Purpose: The type of tenant ie. dev/prod/test.
  • Source System: Where the calls are coming from.
  • HTTP Method: The type of API call (GET, POST, etc.).
  • API End Point: The specific part of your service being accessed.
  • API Usage: Total number of calls to that endpoint.

Filters for API usage

These filters are available for API usage reporting:
  • Tenant Id - The default selection is all

  • Purpose - The default selection is all

  • HTTP Method - The default selection is all

  • API endpoint- The default selection is all

  • API Source - The default selection is all

  • Date Range - Default selection of end date is (current date - 1) day and start date is (1st day of end date month)