Unify and manage your data

Tenant Consistency Definition

Running consistency checks to help determine tenant status.

Initially, presume the tenant is fully consistent when all objects are consistent.

Unfortunately, you cannot constantly run consistency checks through all existing objects in order to be sure that all of them are consistent because it is too time consuming, and the tenant should be in the idle state (that is, there should be no activity when the task is running).

At the same time, you do not need to scan all existing objects. You only need to scan objects that were somehow changed due to any activity you may have experienced. Therefore, the entities range should be much less if you scan only objects that were changed within a strict time interval. Scanning objects that were changed only within strict time borders introduces an additional requirement for processing these objects. The consistency task should ignore objects that were changed after the consistency task was started. This means that the time needed to update the object is greater than the interval's right border. Therefore, you can check this object in the next consistency check, where the right border is greater than the object's update time.

Based on this explanation, you can realize that all objects are consistent when there are not objects that were changed right after the border of the time interval of the scan in the latest consistency check.

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