Unify and manage your data

Unmerge Entity Tree by Contributor URI

If an entity is a composite entity (as a result of a merge), then each contributor can be unmerged to revert to a standalone entity. For example, the name of the composite entity is Origin and the unmerging entity is Spawn. The difference between the below POST request and the unmerge entity request is in the result. If the Spawn entity was a result of multiple merges, then it is unmerged with all the content contributed in the previous merges. In the case of non-tree unmerge, only the initial state of the Spawn entity is unmerged. The subsequent merges to the Spawn entity are not unmerged.


POST {TenantURL}/<origin id>/_treeUnmerge?contributorURI=<spawn URI>
Table 1. Parameters
Parameter Required Description
Headers Authorization Yes Information about authentication access token in format "Bearer <accessToken>" (see details in Authentication API ).
Query spawnId Yes URI of some entity that has been merged into origin and now going to detach from it.
Contributor URI contributorUri Yes URI of contributor need to be unmerged.

Spawn must be the part of Origin at the moment. If it's not, an error will be returned. Parts of actual entities can be seen in the crosswalk tree.


POST <TenantURL>/entities/01QoskL/_treeUnmerge?contributorURI=entities/01QobhJ


Returns a pair of entities, "a" and "b", where "a" stands for the modified Origin and "b" for Spawn.

{ "a": { "uri": "entities/7KXiejf", "type": "configuration/entityTypes/HCP", "createdBy": "auto20220620_AdmintBRxx", "createdTime": 1655711319157, "updatedBy": "auto20220620_AdmintBRxx", "updatedTime": 1655711325585, "attributes": { "FirstName": [ { "type": "configuration/entityTypes/HCP/attributes/FirstName", "ov": true, "value": "UnmergeQA2TXN4 E1 Rnd_8661 UniqVal86758467548967549635789435", "uri": "entities/7KXiejf/attributes/FirstName/iJi51QJL" } ] }, "isFavorite": false, "crosswalks": [ { "uri": "entities/7KXiejf/crosswalks/iJi52Jih", "type": "configuration/sources/AMA", "value": "UnmergeQA2TXN4.7e.e1.AMA1", "reltioLoadDate": "2022-06-20T07:48:39.157Z", "createDate": "2022-06-20T07:48:39.157Z", "updateDate": "2022-06-20T07:48:39.157Z", "attributes": [ "entities/7KXiejf/attributes/FirstName/iJi51QJL" ], "singleAttributeUpdateDates": {} } ], "analyticsAttributes": {} }, "b": { "uri": "entities/7U7Mhg8", "type": "configuration/entityTypes/HCP", "createdBy": "auto20220620_AdmintBRxx", "updatedBy": "auto20220620_AdmintBRxx", "updatedTime": 1655711325585, "attributes": { "FirstName": [ { "type": "configuration/entityTypes/HCP/attributes/FirstName", "ov": true, "value": "UnmergeQA2TXN4 E7.3 Rnd_8661", "uri": "entities/7U7Mhg8/attributes/FirstName/hStixMqY" }, { "type": "configuration/entityTypes/HCP/attributes/FirstName", "ov": false, "value": "UnmergeQA2TXN4 E7 Rnd_8661", "uri": "entities/7U7Mhg8/attributes/FirstName/hStiyOmQ" }, { "type": "configuration/entityTypes/HCP/attributes/FirstName", "ov": false, "value": "UnmergeQA2TXN4 E7.2 Rnd_8661", "uri": "entities/7U7Mhg8/attributes/FirstName/hStiwCOA" } ] }, "isFavorite": false, "crosswalks": [ { "uri": "entities/7U7Mhg8/crosswalks/hStisPxy", "type": "configuration/sources/SDS", "value": "UnmergeQA2TXN4.7e.e7.SDS1", "reltioLoadDate": "2022-06-20T07:48:41.775Z", "createDate": "2022-06-20T07:48:41.775Z", "updateDate": "2022-06-20T07:48:41.775Z", "attributes": [ "entities/7U7Mhg8/attributes/FirstName/hStiwCOA" ], "singleAttributeUpdateDates": {} }, { "uri": "entities/7U7Mhg8/crosswalks/hStiuCmg", "type": "configuration/sources/AMA", "value": "UnmergeQA2TXN4.7e.e7.AMA1", "reltioLoadDate": "2022-06-20T07:48:43.284Z", "createDate": "2022-06-20T07:48:43.284Z", "updateDate": "2022-06-20T07:48:43.284Z", "attributes": [ "entities/7U7Mhg8/attributes/FirstName/hStixMqY" ], "singleAttributeUpdateDates": {} }, { "uri": "entities/7U7Mhg8/crosswalks/ilCEfDu4", "type": "configuration/sources/AHA", "value": "UnmergeQA2TXN4.7e.e7.AHA1", "reltioLoadDate": "2022-06-20T07:48:40.521Z", "createDate": "2022-06-20T07:48:40.521Z", "updateDate": "2022-06-20T07:48:40.521Z", "attributes": [ "entities/7U7Mhg8/attributes/FirstName/hStiyOmQ" ], "singleAttributeUpdateDates": {} } ], "analyticsAttributes": {} } }
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