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Working with the Main Search Page

To give you a great search experience, we have changed the page layout.

Exploring the Search Landing Page

The Search page is divided into the following three functional areas:
  • The Left portion of the screen contains everything that you would need to build your search queries, which includes both the Advanced Search and Quick Filters
  • The Center portion of the screen shows the Search Results where you can toggle between table view or list view
  • The Top portion of the screen allows your to verify your search criteria and take actions on your search results such as export or save your searches
In addition, you can also access your Saved and Recent Searches where you can find previously saved searches and access your historical data. The Left panel contains the following sections:
  • Advanced Search - This is the Query Builder, which allows you to build more complex and advanced queries.
  • Quick Filters - This allows you to quickly filter on attributes. The Entity Types distribution list provides you a way to find the distribution of your entity types across your tenant. By default, a maximum of seven entity types are displayed. You can click View more to see all the other entity types. The order of the entity types is governed by the UI configuration.
    Note: The total count of profiles includes all the available entity types.

    Below the Entity Types, you will find the Attributes listed. These Attributes are listed in a format that is easy to understand because of the visuals that allow you to explore around the datasets.

    Note: Based on the entity type, if you would like to view some attributes as facets in the Quick Filters panel by default, you can add the defaultFacetedAttributes property as metadata in your L3 configuration. For more information, see Using Quick Filters and Reltio entity types. For details on updating your L3 configuration, see Configuration API.
  • Recommended Attributes - At the bottom of the attributes list, you will find a list of recommended attributes which are suggested attributes based on your search behaviors and patterns.

Once you have defined the final search criteria via Quick Filters or Advanced Search, the center portion displays the Search Results. You can view the Search Results either in the form of a Table view or a List view. The top portion of the screen shows the query criteria that is used to build your search and lead into the result set. The total number of profiles listed as the search results is available.

Loading and Exporting Data

Load data

Click the Load icon() to launch the Data Loader application from the search page. For more information, see Data Loader at a glance.

Export data

Click the Export icon ( to launch the Export application and create a new export job. For more information, see Data Export at a glance.

Requesting a Match Review

You can search and filter potential matches that are generated from a specific match rule or filter criteria and assign them for review. The Request Match Review functionality enables you to request match reviews in bulk.

Note: The Request Match Review option appears disabled until you filter on Potential Matches or Match Rules attributes.

On selecting either Potential Matches, Match Rules, or, ML Recommended attributes, as part of your search criteria, the Request Match Review option is enabled.

When you click the Request Match Review option, the match review task is assigned across the possible assignees, based on your workflow settings. On successful submission of match reviews, the following notification is displayed:

You can click the Go to Inbox link to open the Inbox application in Console. The tasks assigned to you show up in your Inbox.

Sharing Search Results

You can share your search results easily by clicking More Options and selecting the Share link option.

The shareable link is displayed. Click COPY LINK to copy the link and share the search results URL.

Exploring the Map view

You can use the Map view to display the locations of the profiles as shown below.

Note: The View Map option to view location profiles is not available in our platform in China due to governmental regulations.

Profile locations are displayed as pin drops in the map. On hovering-over a particular pin drop, the details of the profile are displayed in a small dialog box. You can click the profile link in that dialog box to open the profile perspective. On clicking the pin drop, the profile related to that pin drop is highlighted. The following image shows a selected profile in the map view:

Using Search as I move and Polygon Search

The Search as I move and Polygon search features are enabled by default. These features allow you to move the map around and your search results are displayed based on the map in real-time. You can use these features independently while working with the map.

Note: These features are not available in our platform in China due to governmental regulations.

Prerequisites: The Search as I move and Polygon search features work only if the latitudinal and longitudinal data is maintained on the profiles.

Note: You can contact the Reltio Support team to disable these features through a configuration change, if your data does not have the geographical coordinates.

Moving the map

You can move the map around and select the exact location to search its details. Using the plus and minus controls provided on the map, you can zoom in or zoom out.

Tip: You can also double-click the map to zoom in on a location.

Drawing a Polygon

Click the Draw area icon () to start drawing a polygon. You can click at a point, drag to another point and click, connecting the dots in the shape of a polygon. To clear the polygon, click the Clear area icon ().

Click the close icon or toggle the Map view icon to close the Map view.

Viewing Profile Details

You can use the Profile view to display the details of the profiles as shown below. You can view the profile image, the details of simple and nested attributes and so on. You can resize the panel, if required. Click the close icon or toggle the Profile view icon to close the Profile view.

You can easily Clear the search criteria from the Search Results section, if needed and specify a new criteria, as required. Alternatively, you can take the necessary actions such as, saving your query or exporting it to an external file. Click the Save icon () to save the details of your search query. The Save search dialog box provides the following options:
  • When you click Save icon on a new search query, you can specify a name for your search query and click SAVE AS to save the details.
  • When you modify the search criteria of an existing search query, you can click SAVE to save the updates.
  • When you change the name of an existing search query, you can click the Save icon to save it as a new search by clicking SAVE AS.