Activity Log perspective
Learn about the Activity log perspective.
The Activity Log perspective displays details of the various user activities across the tenant. For example, if you logged in at 10:00:00 am and searched for a profile, you can see this detail in the Activity log, i.e. your name, the activity you performed (searching for a profile) and the time of the activity. If you are an administrator, you can view activity details of other users. A sample image is given below: This is a test
Table 1: User Activities displays the user activities displayed in the Activity Log.
Icon | Activity |
Profile updated, Relationship updated, Tenant updated, Model updated, Group updated | |
Group created, Profile created, Relationship created, Tenant created | |
User logged in Note: This activity is logged only if you have logged into the tenant directly, and not switched over from another tenant. | |
User logged out | |
Profile removed, Relationship removed, Group removed, Potential Matches removed, Comment deleted | |
Searched Profile | |
Not matches set | |
Periodic task was scheduled | |
Profile merged, Profile merged manually, Profile merged on the fly | |
Profile viewed | |
Profile unmerged | |
Profile lost merged | |
Comment added, Comment updated | |
Potential Matches found |
By default, the most recent activities are displayed first. Each entry lists the activity details and gives a link to the activity. For example, you searched for all profiles of type Organization. The corresponding link for this activity in the Activity log will take you to the search page with all organization profiles listed.
You can specify the number of activities you want to view in the facet, which can be 10, 25, 50, or 100. Based on the number of activities displayed in the facet, there is also an option to navigate between pages and view more activities.
The following actions are also available in the Activity Log facet: