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NPI DaaS dataset for Healthcare

Learn about enriching Reltio for Healthcare with the National Provider Identifier (NPI) dataset.

Verify and enrich your data in Reltio for Healthcare with the US National Provider Identifier (NPI) dataset, part of the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Service (CMS). The NPI is a 10-digit ID number assigned to healthcare providers to use in administrative and financial transactions. The NPI Data as a Service (DaaS) subscription service provides the full database of associated NPI attributes for healthcare organization (HCO) and healthcare practitioner (HCP) entities and their location entities.

Reltio for Healthcare can be integrated to the NPI data tenant, which contains Reltio-NPI attributes and source mappings for the HCO and HCP entity types contained in the NPPES Data Dissemination file. This integration makes it a snap to acquire external data, enrich existing data, and then share the enriched data internally with ease.

This Reltio for Healthcare integration provides visibility into your separate Reltio NPI data tenant, which contains the full database of associated NPI attributes that have been fully mapped to the Reltio data model. Reltio maintains these mappings, which are automatically applied whenever it uploads a new NPPES Data Dissemination file to the NPI data tenant. This NPI data tenant includes its own data model, match rules, attributes, and cleansers preconfigured for NPI datasets. For general information on the Reltio NPI integration, see topic Reltio Enrichment with NPI. For details on the preconfigured entity types that come with Reltio for Healthcare, see topics Entity types for Healthcare . For details on viewing NPI data, see topic Preconfigured User Interface for Healthcare.

NPI HCO mapping for Healthcare

The Reltio NPI data tenant contains data from the NPPES Data Dissemination file, which Reltio maps to data values for its HCO entity type in Reltio for Healthcare.

This table identifies the mapping of HCO entity type attributes:
  • FROM the NPI data tenant (DT) that holds the source data
  • TO the Reltio for Healthcare tenant that serves as the customer tenant (CT) that receives the data
TypeCopy from DTCopy to CT
Entity typesconfiguration/entityTypes/HCO configuration/entityTypes/HCO
Attributesconfiguration/entityTypes/HCO/attributes/* configuration/entityTypes/HCO/attributes/*
Attributesconfiguration/entityTypes/HCO/attributes/Address configuration/entityTypes/HCO/attributes/Address
Attributesconfiguration/entityTypes/HCO/attributes/Address/attributes/* configuration/entityTypes/HCO/attributes/Address/attributes/*
Attributesconfiguration/entityTypes/HCO/attributes/Address/attributes/Type configuration/entityTypes/HCO/attributes/Address/attributes/Type
Transformation-Address Type BusinessBusiness
Transformation-Address Type MailingMailing
Attributesconfiguration/entityTypes/HCO/attributes/Phone configuration/entityTypes/HCO/attributes/Phone
Attributesconfiguration/entityTypes/HCO/attributes/Phone/attributes/* configuration/entityTypes/HCO/attributes/Phone/attributes/*
Attributesconfiguration/entityTypes/HCO/attributes/Phone/attributes/Type configuration/entityTypes/HCO/attributes/Phone/attributes/Type
Transformation-Phone Type Business Mailing Telephone Number Business Phone
Transformation-Phone Type Business Practice Telephone Number Business Phone
Attributes configuration/entityTypes/HCO/attributes/Identifiers configuration/entityTypes/HCO/attributes/Identifiers
Attributes configuration/entityTypes/HCO/attributes/Identifiers/attributes/* configuration/entityTypes/HCO/attributes/Identifiers/attributes/*
Attributesconfiguration/entityTypes/HCO/attributes/Identifiers/attributes/Type configuration/entityTypes/HCO/attributes/Identifiers/attributes/Type
Transformation-Identifier Type NPINPI

For details on the default mappings from Reltio NPI HCO entity attributes to the corresponding HCO headers in the NPPES Data Dissemination file, see topic Reltio NPI HCO Attributes Source Mapping.

NPI HCP mappings for Healthcare

The Reltio NPI data tenant contains data from the NPPES Data Dissemination file, which Reltio maps to data values for its HCP entity types in Reltio for Healthcare.

This table identifies the mapping of HCP entity type attributes:
  • FROM the NPI data tenant (DT) that holds the source data
  • TO the Reltio for Healthcare tenant that serves as the customer tenant (CT) that receives the data.
TypeCopy from DTCopy to CT
Entity typeconfiguration/entityTypes/HCP configuration/entityTypes/HCP
Attributesconfiguration/entityTypes/HCP/attributes/* configuration/entityTypes/HCP/attributes/*
Attributesconfiguration/entityTypes/HCP/attributes/Address configuration/entityTypes/HCP/attributes/Address
Attributesconfiguration/entityTypes/HCP/attributes/Address/attributes/* configuration/entityTypes/HCP/attributes/Address/attributes/*
Attributesconfiguration/entityTypes/HCP/attributes/Address/attributes/Type configuration/entityTypes/HCP/attributes/Address/attributes/Type
Transformation - Address Type BusinessBusiness
Transformation - Address Type MailingMailing
Attributesconfiguration/entityTypes/HCP/attributes/Phone configuration/entityTypes/HCP/attributes/Phone
Attributesconfiguration/entityTypes/HCP/attributes/Phone/attributes/* configuration/entityTypes/HCP/attributes/Phone/attributes/*
Attributesconfiguration/entityTypes/HCP/attributes/Phone/attributes/Type configuration/entityTypes/HCP/attributes/Phone/attributes/Type
Transformation - Phone Type Business Mailing Telephone Number Business Phone
Transformation - Phone Type Business Practice Fax Fax
Attributesconfiguration/entityTypes/HCP/attributes/Identifiers configuration/entityTypes/HCP/attributes/Identifiers
Attributesconfiguration/entityTypes/HCP/attributes/Identifiers/attributes/* configuration/entityTypes/HCP/attributes/Identifiers/attributes/*
Attributesconfiguration/entityTypes/HCP/attributes/Identifiers/attributes/Type configuration/entityTypes/HCP/attributes/Identifiers/attributes/Type
Transformation - Identifier Type NPINPI

For details on the default mappings from Reltio NPI HCP entity attributes to the corresponding HCP headers in the NPPES Data Dissemination file, see topic Reltio NPI HCP Attributes Source Mapping.

NPI Location mapping for Healthcare

Addresses represent the Location entity type, but are stored as nested attributes outside of the Location entity type. When address data is mapped to a customer tenant, it's mapped to reference attributes within the Location entity type.