Unify and manage your data

Create a cloud storage integration in Snowflake for GCP

Learn how to create an integration.

Create a storage integration that stores a generated identity and access management (IAM) entity for your external cloud storage. For more information, see topic Storage Integration.

To create a storage integration in your Snowflake environment:

  1. In the worksheet area, enter the integration name. For example: create or replace storage integration snowflake_gcp_integration.
  2. type: Enter EXTERNAL_STAGE as the type of integration.
  3. storage_provider: Enter GCS as the storage provider.
  4. enabled: Enter true to enable the integration.
  5. storage_allowed_locations: Enter the location. For example: ('gcs://<bucket>/<path>/', 'gcs://<bucket>/<path>/').
  6. storage_blocked_locations: Enter the location. For example: ('gcs://<bucket>/<path>/', 'gcs://<bucket>/<path>/').