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Add a lifecycle rule for GCP

Learn how to set a lifecycle ot time-to-live (TTL) rule in the staging bucket.

A lifecycle or TTL rule allows you to define a timestamp that tells you to retain data for a specified period. For more information, see topic . For more information, see topic https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/managing-lifecycles.
Note: You must have the editor role to add a lifecycle rule.

To add a rule:

  1. In the Google Console, select Cloud Storage.
  2. In the Buckets page, select the bucket for which you want to create a lifecycle rule.
  3. In the Bucket details page, select LIFECYCLE.
  4. Select ADD A RULE.
  5. In the Add object lifecycle rule page, select Delete object.
  6. Select CONTINUE.
  7. Select Age.
  8. Enter the number of days for which you want to retain data.
  9. Select CREATE.