Unify and manage your data

Configure your GCP Credentials in the GBQ connector - Optional

Learn how to use your service account instead of Reltio's service account in the GCP project.

If you prefer to use your service account and GCP credentials, you can do so by generating a secret key and sharing the key with Reltio. This key is managed in the AWS Secrets Manager. For more information, see topic AWS Secrets Manager.

To configure your GCP Credentials:

Send the following request with your email and key mentioned in the request body:
PUT {dphUrl}/api/tenants/{tenantId}/adapters/bigquery/secrets
    "reltio.datapipelinehub.adapters.bigquery.gcp.clientEmail": "data-pipeline-hub@idev-01.iam.gserviceaccount.com",
    "reltio.datapipelinehub.adapters.bigquery.gcp.privateKey":"-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMII..."
Where dphUrl is your tenant environment-data-pipeline-hub.reltio.com. For example: test-usg-data-pipeline-hub.reltio.com.