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Create Target SAS tokens for Databricks

Learn how to create Azure SAS tokens for Databricks to access the Target container.

Before you create Azure shared access signature (SAS) tokens, you must have created Azure containers. For more information, see topic Create an Azure storage account container.
SAS tokens provide secure, delegated access to resources in your Azure storage account.
To create Azure target SAS tokens for Databricks:
  1. In the Microsoft Azure portal Azure services section, select your storage account.
  2. Under Security + networking, select Shared access signature.
  3. Complete the Shared access signature tab:
    • Allowed services: Select Blob.

    • Allowed resource types: Select Containerand Object.

    • Allowed permissions: Select Read, Write, Delete, List, Add, and Create.

    • Blob versioning permissions:: Select Enables deletion of versions.

    • Allowed blob index permissions: Select Read/Write and Filter.

    • Start and expiry date/time: Enter a time period so the token doesn't expire quickly.

    • Allowed protocols: Select HTTPS only.

    • Select Generate SAS and connection string

    Tip: Take note of the connection string value for the next steps.
For general information, see Create SAS tokens for storage containers in the Microsoft Azure documentation .