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Create an Azure storage account queue

Learn how to create a queue in your Azure storage account.

Before you create a storage queue, you need to have created an Azure storage account. For more information, see topic Create an Azure storage account.
An Azure storage account queue collects event messages for event grid subscriptions. Create an Azure storage account queue to collect Reltio event messages. This step is required if you choose to use File Notification mode.
To create an Azure storage queue:
  1. If you selected Go to resource in the previous procedure, go to step 2. If not, navigate to the Azure storage account to create this queue service:
    1. In Microsoft Azure portal, search for and select Storage accounts.
    2. On the Storage accounts page, select the storage account you previously created. For details, see topic Create an Azure storage account.
  2. On the storage account Overview page, from the left navigation panel, scroll down to the Data storage section and select Queues.
  3. On the storage account Queues page, select Add Queue.
  4. On the displayed Add queue pane, enter a Queue name, select OK. When the validation message clears, your new queue is displayed in the Queue list.
  5. In the queue list, copy the URL.
    Tip: Take note of this value. You'll need it when you Create an Azure event grid subscription.
For more information, see topic Create a queue in the Microsoft Azure documentation.