Accelerate the Value of Data

Customize or Add New Data Blocks

Learn how to customize and add new Data Blocks D&B Data Blocks integration.

  1. Lookup Table - D&B Recipe Properties

    Add property for new data blocks to be added in the D&B Recipe Properties lookup table like existing data blocks properties.

  2. Real-Time recipe - D&B | PROC | Real Time Enrichment - Match and Append
    1. Step 04 - Properties Validation for validating the additional data block properties.
    2. Step 39 - If the DataBlock is related to Organization details then add those blocks validation in this step or else create new validation steps.
    3. Step 42 - If user wants to add new attributes, then create mapping fields in the callable child recipe present at this step. Map the attributes to the new fields as per the business requirement.
  3. Batch recipe - D&B | PROC | Batch Enrichment - Multi Process extmatch (Main Recipe)
    1. Step 05 - Properties Validation for validating the additional data block properties.
  4. Batch recipe - D&B | PROC | Process D&B Job Result
    1. Step 31 - If the DataBlock is related to Organization details then add those blocks validation in this step or else create new validation steps.
  5. Common Recipes - D&B | SYS | Batch Update Company Information - Reltio Load
    1. Step 12 - Map the additional attributes to be loaded in Reltio coming from new data blocks.