Accelerate the Value of Data

Profile Statistics dashboard for Reltio 360 Data Products

Learn about the Dashboard in the Reltio Hub.

Obtain an overview of the data in your tenant from the charts in the Hub Dashboard, which are preconfigured. Here's a sample dashboard for you:

View the following charts here:

  • Profile Stats - A line graph that displays the following information:

    • Profile activity in your tenant for a specific period
    • Number of New, Deleted, Updated, Matched, Auto-merged, Manually merged, Unmerged, and Not-a-match profiles

    • Profile information for the last 24 hours, last 7 days, last month, last 6 months, last year, or specify a custom time period

    Hover over any of the graphical portions of the chart to view a pop-up with details about the particular element.

  • Charts displaying profile data - You can view the following charts in the dashboard:
    • A pie chart denoting the number of profiles by country
    • A pie chart denoting the number of profiles by state
    • A pie chart that displays profiles without email addresses

    • A pie chart that displays profiles without phone numbers
    • A map of the world that highlights the regions where the profiles belong to
    Click a chart element to view it's details in the Search page. The Search page lists the profiles that are part of the chart element.

You can also personalize your dashboard by arranging the charts the way you want.