Accelerate the Value of Data

Removing a Single Entity

Use this API to remove a single entity’s DUNS number from the D&B monitoring registration.


DELETE {DnBConnectorUri}/monitoring/registration
Table 1. Parameters
Parameter Name Required Description
Headers Content-Type Yes

Must be "Content-Type: application/json".

EnvironmentUrl Yes Environment URL of the tenant.

For example:

Authorization Yes Reltio token in Bearer {{token}} format.
TenantId Yes Tenant Id.
DnB-User No DnB account username or Consumer Key in Direct+.
Note: Not a required parameter if DnB Token is specified.
DnB-Password No DnB account password or Consumer Secret in Direct+.
Note: Not a required parameter if DnB Token is specified.
DnB-Token No DnB token in <<Token>> format.
Note: Not a required parameter if the username and password of the DnB account is specified.
D&B-Registration Yes DnB registration identifier.
Query entityURI Yes Entity URI in entities/XXXX format.


DELETE http://localhost:8080/b2bIntegration/dnb/monitoring/registration?entityURI=entities/1SrafuSI
    "success": "OK",
    "message": "21114: Requested duns removed from registration  successfully.",
    "entities": [