Unify and manage your data

Registering a Single Entity

Use this API to register the DUNS number from the entity in the DnB monitoring registration.


POST {DnBConnectorUri}/monitoring/registration
Table 1. Parameters
ParameterNameRequired Description

Must be "Content-Type: application/json".

EnvironmentUrlYesEnvironment URL of the tenant.

For example: https://dev.reltio.com

AuthorizationYesReltio access token in the form Bearer: <<token>>, see Authentication API.
TenantIdYesTenant Id.
DnB-UserNoDnB account username or Consumer Key in Direct+.
Note: Not a required parameter if DnB Token is specified.
DnB-PasswordNoDnB account password or Consumer Secret in Direct+.
Note: Not a required parameter if DnB Token is specified.
DnB-TokenNoDnB token in <<Token>> format.
Note: Not a required parameter if the username and password of the DnB account is specified.
DnB-RegistrationYesDnB registration identifier.
QueryentityURIYesEntity URI in entities/XXXX format.


POST https://dev-dnbconnector.reltio.com/b2bIntegration/dnb/monitoring/registration?entityURI=entities/1BGfXLUR
    "success": "OK",
    "message": "21113: Requested duns added to registration successfully.",
    "entities": [

Error response:

    "success": "Fail",
    "message": "DNB0001: DnB error: The requested duns already exists in your registration profile DnB error code: 21012",
    "entities": [