Accelerate the Value of Data

Survivorship groups for Supplier

Learn what survivorship groups are preconfigured in entity types for Reltio for Supplier.

The Reltio for Supplier data model includes survivorship groups for some entity types which help you define the golden record of any object that your business considers important.

For general information on survivorship, see topic Survivorship groups. For details on the preconfigured entity types that come with Reltio for Supplier, see Entity types for Supplier .

For information on working with survivorship properties, see topic Preconfigured User Interface for Supplier.

Individual entity type survivorship groups

This table identifies the Reltio for Supplier default survivorship group for the Individual entity type. Use this survivorship group to merge a record for a individual.

Rule attributeStrategy
Status InformationAggregation
NameSource system
Name PrefixRecency
First NameSource system
Middle NameSource system
Middle InitialSource system
Last NameSource system
Prof DesignationAggregation
Other Name(s)Aggregation
Privacy PreferencesAggregation
Policy ConsentAggregation
Multi Channel Communication ConsentAggregation
Status Information / StatusAggregation
Status Information / Status ReasonRecency
Status Information / Update DateRecency
Status Information / CommentsRecency
Name SuffixRecency
Prof Designation / TypeRecency
Prof Designation / DesignationRecency
Prof Designation / Display SequenceRecency
Other Name(s) / TypeRecency
Other Name(s) / Other First NameRecency
Other Name(s) / Other Middle NameRecency
Other Name(s) / Other Last NameRecency
Other Name(s) / Other NameRecency
Other Name(s) / Display SequenceRecency
Website URLRecency
Image URLRecency
Video URLRecency
Document URLRecency
Privacy Preferences / Do Not Process (GDPR)Recency
Privacy Preferences / Do Not ProfileRecency
Privacy Preferences / Do Not TrackRecency
Privacy Preferences / Do Not MarketRecency
Privacy Preferences / Do Not Export Individual DataRecency
Privacy Preferences / Do Not ContactRecency
Privacy Preferences / Ok to Store PII Data ElsewhereRecency
Privacy Preferences / Forget IndividualRecency
Policy Consent / TypeRecency
Policy Consent / Effective FromRecency
Policy Consent / Expiry DateRecency
Policy Consent / Policy VersionRecency
Policy Consent / TimestampRecency
Multi Channel Communication Consent / Channel TypeRecency
Multi Channel Communication Consent / Brand NameRecency
Multi Channel Communication Consent / Channel ValueRecency
Multi Channel Communication Consent / Channel ConsentRecency
Multi Channel Communication Consent / Communication TypeRecency
Multi Channel Communication Consent / Communication FrequencyRecency
Multi Channel Communication Consent / Channel Preference FlagRecency
Multi Channel Communication Consent / Start DateRecency
Multi Channel Communication Consent / Agreement VersionRecency
Multi Channel Communication Consent / Expiration DateRecency
Multi Channel Communication Consent / Can Store PII ElsewhereRecency
Multi Channel Communication Consent / Has Opted Out Geo TrackingRecency
Multi Channel Communication Consent / Has Opted Out ProcessingRecency
Multi Channel Communication Consent / Has Opted Out ProfilingRecency
Multi Channel Communication Consent / Has Opted Out SolicitRecency
Multi Channel Communication Consent / Has Opted Out TrackingRecency
Multi Channel Communication Consent / Send Individual DataRecency
Multi Channel Communication Consent / Should ForgetRecency
Identifiers / TypeRecency
Identifiers / ValueRecency
Identifiers / StatusRecency
Identifiers / Issued ByRecency
Identifiers / Issued RegionRecency
Identifiers / Created DateRecency
Identifiers / Issued DatedRecency
Identifiers / Activation DateRecency
Identifiers / Expiration DateRecency
Identifiers / Deactivation DateRecency
Identifiers / Deactivation ReasonRecency
Identifiers / Reactivation DateRecency
Identifiers / Update DateRecency
Identifiers / RankRecency
Date of BirthRecency
Year of BirthRecency
City of BirthRecency
State of BirthRecency
Country of BirthRecency
Communication / LanguageRecency
Communication / PreferredRecency
Country Of CitizenshipAggregation
Country Of Tax ResidenceAggregation
Gender IdentityRecency
Management ResponsibilitiesAggregation
Management Responsibilities / ValueSource system
Management Responsibilities / CodeSource system
Licenses / TypeRecency
Licenses / License IDRecency
Licenses / StatusRecency
Licenses / Issued ByRecency
Licenses / Issued RegionRecency
Licenses / Issued DateRecency
Licenses / Expiration DateRecency
Certificates / Certificate URLRecency
Certificates / CategoryRecency
Certificates / TypeRecency
Certificates / Cert IDRecency
Certificates / StatusRecency
Certificates / Issued ByRecency
Certificates / Issued RegionRecency
Certificates / Issued DateRecency
Certificates / Expiration DateRecency
Policy Consent / User/ApplicationRecency
Licenses / License URLRecency
Licenses / CategoryRecency
Phone / TypeRecency
Phone / NumberRecency
Phone / UnreachableRecency
Phone / Country CodeRecency
Phone / ExtensionRecency
Phone / Formatted NumberRecency
Phone / RankRecency
Phone / Area CodeRecency
Phone / Local NumberRecency
Phone / Validation StatusRecency
Phone / Line TypeRecency
Phone / Format MaskRecency
Phone / Digit CountRecency
Phone / Geo AreaRecency
Phone / Geo CountryRecency
Phone / ActiveRecency
Phone / Primary Phone FlagRecency
Email / TypeRecency
Email / EmailRecency
Email / DomainRecency
Email / Domain TypeRecency
Email / UsernameRecency
Email / RankRecency
Email / Validation StatusRecency
Email / ActiveRecency

Location entity type survivorship groups

This table identifies the Reltio for Supplier default survivorship group for the Location entity type. Use this survivorship group to merge a record for a location.

Rule attributeStrategy
Address InputRecency
Address Line 1Source system
Address Line 2Other Attribute Winner Crosswalk Address Line 1
CityOther Attribute Winner Crosswalk Address Line 1
CountryOther Attribute Winner Crosswalk Address Line 1
State or ProvinceOther Attribute Winner Crosswalk Address Line 1
PostalCodeOther Attribute Winner Crosswalk Address Line 1
PostalCode / Postal CodeOther Attribute Winner Crosswalk Address Line 1
PostalCode / Zip5Other Attribute Winner Crosswalk Address Line 1
PostalCode / Zip4Other Attribute Winner Crosswalk Address Line 1
Verification StatusRecency
Verification Status DetailsRecency
ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2Recency
ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3Recency
ISO 3166-1 NumericRecency
Super Admin AreaRecency
Administrative AreaRecency
Sub-administrative AreaRecency
Unit / Unit NameRecency
Unit / Unit ValueRecency
Sub BuildingRecency
PO BoxRecency
Double Dependent LocalityRecency
Dependent ThoroughfareRecency
GeoLocation / LatitudeRecency
GeoLocation / LongitudeRecency
GeoLocation / GeoAccuracyRecency
Automated Zone IndicatorRecency
Carrier RouteRecency
CMRA IndicatorRecency
Congressional DistrictRecency
Default FlagRecency
Delivery Point Bar CodeRecency
DPV Confirmed IndicatorRecency
DPV FootnotesRecency
eLOT CodeRecency
eLOT NumberRecency
EWS FlagRecency
False Positive IndicatorRecency
FIPS County CodeRecency
LACS Link CodeRecency
LACS Link IndicatorRecency
LACS StatusRecency
No Stat IndicatorRecency
PMB NumberRecency
PMB TypeRecency
Primary Address LineRecency
Record TypeRecency
Return CodeRecency
Secondary Address LineRecency
SUITE Link FootnoteRecency
Vacant IndicatorRecency
Census IndicatorRecency
Census Class CodeRecency
GNIS Feature IDRecency
Block CodeRecency
Block Group CodeRecency
CBSA CodeRecency
Metro Division CodeRecency
CBSA NameRecency
Metro Division NameRecency
NECTA CodeRecency
NECTA NameRecency
NECTA Division CodeRecency
NECTA Division NameRecency
Census Code (2010 Census Format)Recency
MSA Code (2010 Census Format)Recency
MSA Name (2010 Census Format)Recency
Tract CodeRecency
Results StringRecency
Other Parsed DataRecency
Time Zone UTCRecency
Time Zone DSTRecency
Time Zone NameRecency
Census CodeRecency

Organization entity type survivorship groups

This table identifies the Reltio for Supplier default survivorship group for the Organization entity type. Use this survivorship group to merge a record for an organization.

Rule attributeStrategy
Status InformationAggregation
NameSource system
Doing Business As (DBA) NameSource system
Tradestyle NamesAggregation
Legal Entity TypeRecency
Legal StatusRecency
Organization TypeRecency
Website URLRecency
Domicile StateRecency
Status Reason CodeRecency
Status Update DateRecency
Ownership StatusRecency
Enrichment Provider IDSource system
Company TypeRecency
Organization DetailsSource system
Organization Details / Organization Summary TextSource system
Organization Details / Operating StatusSource system
Organization Details / Operating Status CommentSource system
Organization Details / Ownership StatusSource system
Organization Details / Ownership TypeSource system
Organization Details / Ownership DateSource system
Organization Details / Email DomainSource system
Organization Details / Domicile StateSource system
Organization Details / Start YearSource system
Organization Details / IPO YearSource system
Organization Details / End YearSource system
Organization Details / Member RoleSource system
Organization Details / Franchise Operation TypeSource system
Organization Details / Franchise Operation Type CodeSource system
Organization Details / StandaloneSource system
Organization Details / Marketability IndicatorSource system
Founded YearRecency
IPO YearRecency
End YearRecency
Tax IDRecency
Ticker / SymbolRecency
Ticker / ExchangeRecency
Identifiers / TypeRecency
Identifiers / ValueRecency
Identifiers / StatusRecency
Identifiers / Issued ByRecency
Identifiers / Issued RegionRecency
Identifiers / Created DateRecency
Identifiers / Issued DateRecency
Identifiers / Activation DateRecency
Identifiers / Expiration DateRecency
Identifiers / Deactivation DateRecency
Identifiers / Deactivation ReasonRecency
Identifiers / Reactivation DateRecency
Identifiers / Update DateRecency
Identifiers / RankRecency
Email / EmailSource system
Match QualitySource system
Global Ultimate IndicatorSource system
Number Of Family MembersSource system
Type Of EnrichmentSource system
Industry ClassificationSource system
Industry Classification / TypeSource system
Industry Classification / CodeSource system
Industry Classification / ValueSource system
Industry Classification / DescriptionSource system
Industry Classification / Code LanguageSource system
Industry Classification / Code Writing ScriptSource system
Industry Classification / Display SequenceSource system
Industry Classification / SalesPercentageSource system
Activities And Operations / Import IndicatorSource system
Activities And Operations / Export IndicatorSource system
Activities And Operations / Agent IndicatorSource system
Activities And Operations / Commodity CodesSource system
Employee DetailsSource system
Employee Details / Number Of EmployeesSource system
Employee Details / Individual Reliability TextSource system
Employee Details / Individual Reliability CodeSource system
Employee Details / Individual EmployeesSource system
Key Financial Figures OverviewAggregation
Key Financial Figures Overview / CurrencyRecency
Key Financial Figures Overview / Currency Unit Of SizeRecency
Key Financial Figures Overview / Total Sales/RevenueRecency
Key Financial Figures Overview / Sales Reliability TextSource system
Key Financial Figures Overview / Sales Reliability CodeSource system
Key Financial Figures Overview / Total AssetsRecency
Key Financial Figures Overview / Total LiabilitiesRecency
Key Financial Figures Overview / Financial Statement From DateRecency
Key Financial Figures Overview / Financial Statement To DateRecency
Key Financial Figures Overview / Financial Period DurationRecency
Key Financial Figures Overview / Financial Statement YearRecency
Key Financial Figures Overview / Financial Statement DescriptionRecency
Match Quality / Confidence CodeSource system
Match Quality / Display SequenceSource system
Match Quality / Match CodeSource system
Match Quality / Match GradeSource system
Match Quality / BEMFAB (Marketability)Source system
Match Quality / Name Profile CodeSource system
Match Quality / Street Name Profile CodeSource system
Match Quality / Street Number Profile CodeSource system
Match Quality / City Profile CodeSource system
Match Quality / State Province Profile CodeSource system
Match Quality / PO Box Profile CodeSource system
Match Quality / Phone Profile CodeSource system
Match Quality / ZIP Profile CodeSource system
Match Quality / SIC Profile CodeSource system
Match Quality / SIC DescriptionSource system
Match Quality / Density Profile CodeSource system
Match Quality / Uniqueness Profile CodeSource system
Verification / Data Provider Verification StatusSource system
LastUpdateDateSource system
Data Provider HierarchySource system
Data Provider Hierarchy / Global Ultimate Data Provider IDSource system
Data Provider Hierarchy / Global Ultimate Org NameSource system
Data Provider Hierarchy / Change In Global Ultimate IndicatorSource system
Data Provider Hierarchy / Domestic Ultimate Data Provider IDSource system
Data Provider Hierarchy / Domestic Ultimate Org NameSource system
Data Provider Hierarchy / Parent Data Provider IDSource system
Data Provider Hierarchy / Parent Org NameSource system
Data Provider Hierarchy / Headquarters Data Provider IDSource system
Data Provider Hierarchy / Headquarters Org NameSource system
Data Provider Enrichment TypeSource system
Data Provider Hierarchy / Count Of Org Family MembersSource system
Prior DUNS NumberSource system
Prior DUNS Number / Transferred From DUNS NumberSource system
Prior DUNS Number / Transferred To DUNS NumberSource system
Prior DUNS Number / Transfer DateSource system
Prior DUNS Number / ReasonSource system
Prior DUNS Number / Reason CodeSource system
Regulatory RegistrationsAggregation
Regulatory Registrations / Regulator NameSource system
Regulatory Registrations / Regulator IDSource system
Regulatory Registrations / Regulator RegionSource system
Regulatory Registrations / Regulator Registry URLSource system
Regulatory Registrations / Organization Registration IDSource system
Third Party AssessmentAggregation
Third Party Assessment / TypeSource system
Third Party Assessment / DateSource system
Third Party Assessment / ValueSource system
Third Party Assessment / CodeSource system
Competition / CompetitorDetailsAggregation
Competition / CompetitorDetails / Competitor Data Provider IDSource system
Competition / CompetitorDetails / Competitor Org NameSource system
Competition / CompetitorDetails / Individual Employee CountSource system
Competition / CompetitorDetails / Sales Revenue AmountSource system
Competition / CompetitorDetails / Issued Share Capital AmountSource system
Competition / Other Competitors Data Provider ID(s)Source system
Physical Location DetailsRecency
Physical Location Details / Employee CountSource system
Physical Location Details / Sales Revenue AmountSource system
Linked Companies DetailsRecency
Linked Companies Details / Employee CountSource system
Linked Companies Details / Sales Revenue AmountSource system
Country Group DetailsRecency
Country Group Details / Employee CountSource system
Country Group Details / Sales Revenue AmountSource system
Global Ultimate DetailsRecency
Global Ultimate Details / Employee CountSource system
Global Ultimate Details / Sales Revenue AmountSource system
Global Ultimate Details / Number Of Family MembersSource system
Global Ultimate Details / Industry ClassificationRecency
Global Ultimate Details / Industry Classification / Number Of Industry SectorsSource system
Global Ultimate Details / Industry Classification / Primary Industry Sector Classification TypeSource system
Global Ultimate Details / Industry Classification / Primary Industry SectorSource system
Global Ultimate Details / Industry Classification / Primary Industry Sector Sales PercentageSource system
Global Ultimate Details / Industry Classification / Primary Industry Sector CodeSource system
Global Ultimate Details / Industry Classification / Primary Industry Sector Data Provider CodeSource system
Global Ultimate Details / Industry Classification / Secondary Industry Sector Classification TypeSource system
Global Ultimate Details / Industry Classification / Secondary Industry SectorSource system
Global Ultimate Details / Industry Classification / Secondary Industry Sector Sales PercentageSource system
Global Ultimate Details / Industry Classification / Secondary Industry Sector CodeSource system
Global Ultimate Details / Industry Classification / Secondary Industry Sector Data Provider CodeSource system
Global Ultimate Details / Industry Classification / Unclassified Industry Sector Sales PercentageSource system
Domestic Ultimate DetailsRecency
Domestic Ultimate Details / Employee CountSource system
Domestic Ultimate Details / Sales Revenue AmountSource system
Domestic Ultimate Details / Number Of Family MembersSource system
Domestic Ultimate Details / Industry ClassificationRecency
Domestic Ultimate Details / Industry Classification / Number Of Industry SectorsSource system
Domestic Ultimate Details / Industry Classification / Primary Industry Sector Classification TypeSource system
Domestic Ultimate Details / Industry Classification / Primary Industry SectorSource system
Domestic Ultimate Details / Industry Classification / Primary Industry Sector Sales PercentageSource system
Domestic Ultimate Details / Industry Classification / Primary Industry Sector CodeSource system
Domestic Ultimate Details / Industry Classification / Primary Industry Sector Data Provider CodeSource system
Domestic Ultimate Details / Industry Classification / Secondary Industry Sector Classification TypeSource system
Domestic Ultimate Details / Industry Classification / Secondary Industry SectorSource system
Domestic Ultimate Details / Industry Classification / Secondary Industry Sector Sales PercentageSource system
Domestic Ultimate Details / Industry Classification / Secondary Industry Sector CodeSource system
Domestic Ultimate Details / Industry Classification / Secondary Industry Sector Data Provider CodeSource system
Domestic Ultimate Details / Industry Classification / Unclassified Industry Sector Sales PercentageSource system
Socioeconomic InformationRecency
Socioeconomic Information / 8A Certified Business IndicatorSource system
Socioeconomic Information / Woman-owned Business IndicatorSource system
Socioeconomic Information / Minority-owned Business IndicatorSource system
Socioeconomic Information / Veteran-owned Business IndicatorSource system
Socioeconomic Information / Primary Ethnicity of OwnershipSource system
Socioeconomic Information / Primary Ethnicity of Ownership CodeSource system