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Validation functions for Product

Learn what validation functions are preconfigured in entity types for Reltio for Product.

The Reltio for Product data model includes validation functions for some entity types. Use validation functions to ensure data accuracy and improve data quality by checking data ingested into the Reltio platform against a set of validation functions defined for an entity type and then report the correctness of the data.

For information on working with validation function properties, see topic Preconfigured User Interface for Product.

For general information on validation functions, see topic Data validation function. For details on the preconfigured entity types that come with Reltio for Product, see Entity types for Product .

Product entity type validation functions

This table identifies the Reltio for Product validation functions for the Product entity type. Use these validation functions when you create a record for a product.

Attribute to validateDescriptionValidation warning message
ProductMetadataInformation / Metadata TitleReports an invalid format if Metadata Title doesn't match the criteria ^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$. Special Characters are Not Permitted, [Product Metadata Information/Metadata Title] attribute should contain only Alphanumeric values
Manufacturer GLNReports an invalid format if the Manufacturer GLN(Global Location Number) doesn't match the criteria ^[0-9]+$. Manufacturer GLN should exclusively contain digits; No Characters are Permitted
ProductMetadataInformation / WeightReports an invalid format if the Weight doesn't match the criteria ^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$.Special Characters are not Permitted , {Product Meta Data Information /Weight} should have only Alphanumeric values
ProductMetadataInformation / Unit of MeasureReports an invalid format if the Unit of Measure doesn't match the criteria ^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$.Special Characters are Not Permitted, {Product Information/Unit of Measure} Should have only Alphanumeric values
ProductMetadataInformation / SizeReports an invalid format if the Size doesn't match the criteria ^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$.Special Characters are not Permitted , {Product Meta Data Information /Size} should have only Alphanumeric values
ProductMetadataInformation / StyleReports an invalid format if the Style doesn't match the criteria ^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$.Special Characters are not Permitted , {Product Meta Data Information /Style} should have only Alphanumeric values
ProductMetadataInformation / ColorReports an invalid format if the Color doesn't match the criteria ^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$.Special Characters are not Permitted , {Product Meta Data Information /Color} should have only Alphanumeric values
ProductMetadataInformation / Metadata DescriptionReports an invalid format if the Metadata Description doesn't match the criteria ^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$.Special Characters are not Permitted , {Product Meta Data Information /Metadata Description} should have only Alphanumeric values
ProductMetadataInformation / MaterialReports an invalid format if the Material doesn't match the criteria ^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$.Special Characters are not Permitted , {Product Meta Data Information /Material} should have only Alphanumeric values
ProductMetadataInformation / SpecificationReports an invalid format if the Specification doesn't match the criteria ^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$.Special Characters are not Permitted , {Product Meta Data Information /Specification} should have only Alphanumeric values
Sub BrandReports an invalid format if the Sub Brand doesn't match the criteria ^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$.Special Characters are Not Allowed, {Sub Brand} Should contains only Alphanumeric values
ProductMetadataInformation / CapacityReports an invalid format if the ProductMetadataInformation / Capacity doesn't match the criteria ^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$.Special Characters are Not Allowed, {ProductMetadataInformation / Capacity} Should contains only Alphanumeric values
ProductMetadataInformation / FeaturesReports an invalid format if the ProductMetadataInformation / Features doesn't match the criteria ^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$.Special Characters are Not Allowed, {ProductMetadataInformation / Features} Should contains only Alphanumeric values
ProductMetadataInformation / ModelReports an invalid format if the ProductMetadataInformation / Model doesn't match the criteria ^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$.Special Characters are Not Allowed, {ProductMetadataInformation / Model} Should contains only Alphanumeric values
BrandReports an invalid format if the Brand doesn't match the criteria ^(?=.*[a-zA-Z0-9])[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$.Brand should not be empty and Special Characters are Not Permitted. It should have only Alphanuemric Values
Product IDReports an invalid format if the Product ID doesn't match the criteria ^(?=.*[a-zA-Z0-9 ]).+$.Product ID should not be empty and Special Characters are Not Permitted. It should have only Alphanuemric Values
Product NameReports an invalid format if the Product Name doesn't match the criteria ^(?=.*[a-zA-Z0-9])[a-zA-Z0-9 ]{3,}$.Product Name should not be empty and Special Characters are Not Permitted. It should have only Alphanuemric values with length greater than 3
GTINReports an invalid format if the GTIN (Global Trade Item Number) doesn't match the criteria ^[0-9]+$.GTIN should exclusively contain digits; No characters are permitted
TechnicalDataSheet / Document LinkReports an invalid format if the TechnicalDataSheet / Document Link doesn't match the criteria ^(https?|ftp):\/\/[^\s\/$.?#].[^\s]*$.[Data Sheet / Document Link] Should contain only URL's
Catalogs / Document LinkReports an invalid format if the Catalogs / Document Link doesn't match the criteria ^(https?|ftp):\/\/[^\s\/$.?#].[^\s]*$. [Catalogs / Document Link] Should contain only URL's
Product Image URLReports an invalid format if the Product Image URL doesn't match the criteria ^(https?|ftp):\/\/[^\s\/$.?#].[^\s]*$.[Product Image URL] Should contain only URL's
Brochures / Document LinkReports an invalid format if the Brochures /Document Link doesn't match the criteria ^(https?|ftp):\/\/[^\s\/$.?#].[^\s]*$. [Brochures / Document Link] Should contain only URL's