Flattening Simple Attributes
Learn about extracting and flattening all simple attributes into a custom view.
Assume that you have the following schema for individual entity view:
Column | Type |
uri | VARCHAR(20) |
type | VARIANT |
attributes | VARIANT |
crosswalks | VARIANT |
analyticsAttributes | VARIANT |
createdBy | VARIANT |
createdTime | VARIANT |
updatedBy | VARIANT |
updatedTime | VARIANT |
You can extract and flatten all simple attributes into a custom view. The following example creates a view where all simple attributes are extracted to different columns and any multi-valued simple attributes are flattened and created as separate rows:
//This is a view for simple attributes
create or replace view "entity_SimpleAttributes" as (
select individual."uri" as "Uri",
individual."type" as "Type",
individual."createdBy" as "CreatedBy",
individual."createdTime" as "CreatedTime",
individual."updatedBy" as "UpdatedBy",
individual."updatedTime" as "UpdatedTime",
individual."attributes":"Name" as "FullName",
individual."attributes":"FirstName" as "FirstName",
individual."attributes":"LastName" as "LastName",
individual."attributes":"Gender" as "Gender",
individual."attributes":"Age" as "Age",
individual."attributes":"Ethnicity" as "Ethnicity",
individual."attributes":"BirthCountry" as "BirthCountry",
individual."attributes":"Status" as "Status"
from "entities" individual
For example, to find all entities with the entity type 'Individual', use the following query:SELECT ...
FROM "entities"
WHERE "type" = "configuration/entityTypes/Individual"