Unify and manage your data

Provision the Reltio Data Pipeline for Snowflake for your Reltio tenant (Azure)

Learn how to configure and enable the Reltio Data Pipeline for Snowflake for a Reltio tenant.

Before provisioning the Reltio Data Pipeline for Snowflake, you must have completed the second stage Integrate Azure cloud storage with Snowflake.
Configure your tenant for the Reltio Data Pipeline for Snowflake. For more information, see topic Configure a Snowflake pipeline for Azure in the Console.
To configure your tenant for the Reltio Data Pipeline for Snowflake, you'll need to gather this information:

InformationPossible ValuesRecommended ValueDescription
Reltio tenant environment nameThe Reltio environment the tenant is hosted in.
Reltio tenant IDThe tenant ID where the connector should be enabled.
stagingBucketThe value of Container Name you created in topic Create an Azure storage account container.
  • TRUE
TRUEThe attribute values to sync to Snowflake:
  • TRUE: Only OV values.

  • FALSE: All values. Only use this option if you have a business requirement to do so

STANDARDThe format of attribute to store in the cloud data warehouse:
  • STANDARD: Attributes are stored in standard format, with id, isOv, pin, ignore, uri, etc

  • FLATTEN: Only attribute values are stored Ex: {"FirstName": ["Jon", "Doe"]}

  • FLATTEN_SINGLE_VALUE: Only single value of attribute is stored Ex: {"FirstName": "Jon"}. If multiple values are populated, then the first in the JSON object order will be stored in the cloud data warehouse.

  • AWS
  • GCP
AZUREThe cloud provider for the staging area:
  • AZURE: Use this option for Azure-hosted cloud storage.

  • TRUE
TRUEWhether to enable dataFilteringEnabled (depends on business requirements):
  • TRUE: Enable attribute filtering. Use this option where possible to restrict the scope of the data being sent to the cloud data warehouse.

  • FALSE: Don't enable attribute filtering.

For more information, see topic Enable attribute filtering for the Reltio Data Pipeline for Snowflake.

Azure Credentials (Optional)
  • YOU
Advise how you want to add secrets for your Reltio Data Pipeline for Snowflake:
  • Add secrets yourself using Reltio's DPH Secrets Management APIs.
    Important: Be sure to let Reltio Support know if you choose to do this yourself. The Reltio Data Pipeline for Snowflake configuration won't be fully configured until the secrets are added.
  • Provide your Azure credentials to Reltio Support to add secrets for you (see below).

  • KEYS
CLIENT_CREDENTIALSThe authorization method for your Azure credentials:
  • TOKEN: Shared Access Signature can be created and stored in DPH Secret Manager.

  • KEYS: Azure Storage Account keys can be stored in in DPH Secret Manager.

  • CLIENT_CREDENTIALS: Azure Active Directory client credentials.

storageAccountNameThe value of the Azure Storage Account Name parameter you created in Create an Azure storage account.
tenantId If your authMethod is CLIENT_CREDENTIALS:
clientIdIf your authMethod is CLIENT_CREDENTIALS:
After your tenant is provisioned, you're ready to Validate and sync with the Reltio Data Pipeline for Snowflake for Azure.