Accelerate the Value of Data

Validate the Reltio-to-Azure cloud storage connection

Learn how to validate the connection between Reltio and your cloud storage.

Before you validate your Reltio-to-cloud storage connection, you must have completed the previous stage, see topic Connect Reltio to Azure cloud storage.
Test the connection between Reltio and your cloud storage. Call a Reltio API endpoint that uploads an empty array to the storage container and reports any errors.
To validate the connection:
  1. Send an empty request to the DPH Delta Lake adapter validate endpoint:
    POST https://{{hub-url}}/api/tenants/{{tenantId}}/adapters/deltalake/validate
    where hub-url is of the form <env>
  2. View the status value in the API response:
    • 200OK: The connection is successful, and Reltio connects to the cloud storage location without any errors.

    • Adapter Validation Exception: The connection is unsuccessful.

      Resolve the reported error and then resend the request. If you receive the error again, contact Support. For details, see topic Need some help?

You're now ready to move on to the next step. Synchronize data between Reltio and Staging (Azure).